
Tuesday 18 June 2013

Elliott Ward is AFCB's first big summer signing

Well everyone was taken by surprise when AFCB announced its first big summer signing tonight (16 year old goalkeeper Jordan Holmes was signed yesterday). The signature of Elliott Ward on a one-year deal will add experience to the battle for central defenders, but the short term of the contract is intriguing after most of our players are on three year contracts. Perhaps Elliott's age of 28 is a consideration and whether he felt he would get enough playing time to sign for a two-year deal. The wages may also mean a one-year deal was the best the club could offer.

No matter, we have another experienced defender which immediately will get everyone wondering whether Miles Addison will fight for a place or if his days at the Cherries are numbered. Surely Eddie will want as big a squad as the club can afford if Miles is capable of competing for a first team spot along with Ward. It is going to take something special to dislodge Cook and Elphick but we certainly need some top rate cover in case of injuries.

When was the last time signed an ex-Premiership player? Darren Anderton comes to mind. Oh, yes the last one of course was David James, although he came from a Championship side at the time. Still the signings are certainly bigger than the lower leagues now. UTCIAD!

I am trying to find out from my Plymouth contact what he remembers about Elliott and if I hear something I'll up date you all on how he did down there.

Okay, Plymouth fan view just in:

I remember Elliott. He came to us on loan, I think Tony Pulis was manager. He was a very good defender for us. Best player we had and the manager got the best out of him. We tried to buy him but could not afford the £1m price tag.

Sorry to say, however, after keeping tabs on him elsewhere, I think he went to Coventry after us and perhaps got lazy. He must have pulled his socks up though at Norwich. Hopefully, you can keep him motivated especially with your manager.

Argyle can only dream of signing a player of his quality.

Colin Waite.


  1. Jonathan Elliott27 June 2013 at 10:21

    Great signing, lot of Norwich friends, said he's a great championship player. Soon as he was released thought we should get him.

  2. Got to mean Addison is on his way?!

