
Tuesday 2 July 2013

AFCB Fans' Forum set for 1st August

I know many fans are keen to know what happened to the BBC Radio Solent's Fan Forums that were regularly held by AFCB and it's good to hear that they are back. The next meeting on Thursday 1 August 2013 should make some fascinating listening with Eddie Mitchell, Eddie Howe, Tommy Elphick and Richard Hughes all available on the microphone to take audience questions.

I am not sure if it was scheduled knowing that 'An evening with Steve Fletcher' is on the same night, but at least the forum is slightly earlier from 6.30-7.30pm. I am guessing that many of the questions will relate to how the club is doing regarding preparations for the Championship in terms of player news, temporary stand erection and the club's finances as we head into the new season.

So I hope you all have your thinking caps on and are starting to work out what questions might be put to the panel. For more on the Fans' Forum visit the club's official website.

P.S. If you have not already noticed there is a new Cartoon Capers story out today - Episode 5. Just click on the Cartoon Capers tab at the top of the page.


  1. Wow.
    Hangover; lack of sleep; nothing interrupts your devotion (and output) to the cause.

  2. Hi Colin, lol. I like to keep my readers happy!

