
Friday 26 July 2013

Almost time to check the half time scores

I am probably a cheap skate some would say. I do have a smart phone, but it rarely comes out of its holder unless I have nearby internet access with the chance to get on the web and have the opportunity to tweet some things. It's pay as you go for me! That means at half time I am probably peering over your shoulder at your phone for which you have paid a fortune for full internet access, as you happily check out those all important half time scores.

Am I jealous? Yes of course I am. I can still learn about those scores the old fashioned way and that's either by waiting for the stadium announcer to clear his lungs and throat before reeling off the scores at such a quick rate that I just about manage to work out if our nearest rivals are winning or not. How much information I retain is questionable at this point, because I am probably balancing a bag on my lap, with a note pad and pen in hand, as well as hunting for the drink or chocolate bar that Robert or Stephen have asked me to find for them. Not to worry. I can always circumnavigate my way down the stairs from row O to A, before shimmying past the crowds with their burgers and phones in their hands to the space under the main stand where I can squint at the main TV screens, held up high for every one to see. I say squint, I usually forget to take my glasses, which is a bit silly if you are short sighted!

If I still haven't been able to work out what is happening in the other games, I usually bring my trusted digital radio, which picks up a slightly distant BBC Radio Solent. Only, oh no! They've finished the scores and are now telling us that its everybody's birthday at the Goldsands stadium or even worse they are updating listeners on the Saints being ahead in their game!

So how can I manage to get those half time scores? I have the answer, if you won't let me peer at your phone. Mr Mitchell, please can you give us all free wireless internet access at Dean Court for the duration of the game? It's a long shot, I know, but if you put all those half time scores on our official AFCB website next to the live blog, perhaps that is where we will go to check the scores? Either that or I'll have to save up for a better phone contract.

I know, get out of the Stone Age Peter!   

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