
Sunday 7 July 2013

Cherry Chimes launches Rival Lines

As the countdown to the new season is fast approaching it is now that we can really concentrate on the Championship and our fellow rivals to see what they are up to. I thought it might be a good insight to see how the world looks from the other side of the Championship fence and so I am starting up 'Rival Lines'. Enemy lines might have been more apt title, but it's nice to keep things friendly if Cherry Chimes wants to ask other bloggers in the Championship to express their views for us to all read.

As well as trying to get the views of football bloggers whose teams are taking on the Cherries this season in the Championship, I thought we could also do some spying on their football worlds in what they have been talking about on their official websites and other news sources if some amusing or baffling things happen during the season to their teams, managers and players.

Any way, I hope Rival Lines adds to your enjoyment of Cherry Chimes. Our first instalment of the feature is now available on the Rival Lines tab at the top of the blog.

Summer Time Ball will no doubt return after next season in some form or another as it will be a World Cup year!

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