
Saturday 6 July 2013

Know HOWE comes to Cherry Chimes

Cherry Chimes aims to bring AFCB fans up to date with news and create a few features to inspire you all in your enthusiasm for the team. I felt that Junior Cherries might want more of a look in as we are writing from the family stand. So how can we have a bit of fun I thought? We already have Cartoon Capers and Robert and Stephen like to show photos of themselves as Junior Cherries at different games.

Then Max Fitzgerald at the club started talking about stop motion pictures for the temporary covered stand being built and that gave me an idea. I thought why don't we look at doing something with stop motion animation/photography while also highlighting some of the tactical moves and memorable moments that occur during AFCB games.

Hence, 'Know HOWE' is born. It was going to be 'Tactical know HOWE', but it is helpful to keep the names short on the blog. I hope you like it as it takes ages to put together for just a few second of footage and don't take it too seriously, it's just a bit of fun.
Somehow I expect the adults might like it as much as the Junior Cherries. We had great fun making the first demonstration.

Hey, what's this clip doing here?

If you are wondering where the Players' promotion day feature has gone it is now archived as a post on 21 April 2013 - so you can still revel in the excitement of that day. We have to move on to the new season and hopefully even more exciting times ahead.

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