
Thursday 18 July 2013

Lack of funds should not slow AFCB progress

I am encouraged to hear that Eddie Howe is not that concerned with needing to bring in a lot of new recruits to the club. It is refreshing to hear that a manager actually wants to work with the players he has and to develop them to their best ability.

It may be great to spend what money is available on new talent but it is more prudent to have bought good players in the past that can now be taught to a higher standard as they take on board the experience we have now in the likes of Jason Tindall and Eddie Howe. Sure, fans would love us to bring in some big names like Charlie Austin or Jordan Rhodes, but even Championship players like these were not so long ago players that were learning their trade and developing into the great strikers that they are today.

How quickly can our players mature? This is the vital question. We have some players that could undoubtedly do a good job in League One but it would really be a bonus if they can find their feet in the higher league when called upon. I am talking about players like, Joe Partington, Donal McDermott and Ryan Fraser. These are the kind of players that can either blossom when give their chance or hide in the background and it will be Jason Tindall and Eddie Howe that ensure that when they are ready they come in fully prepared to contribute well when in the first team.

If we can bring on a few players in their development then it will not be such a loss when we find other clubs coming in for our highly rated players. It's up to us fans to get behind the younger ones who are still on a learning curve and try make them feel that they can achieve at this level.

1 comment:

  1. Is Donal in Zurich? I certainly hope so. That guy is so talented, yet his off field problems have looked like scuppering a very promising career. He is the sort of player who in the right frame of mind would excel in the Championship. One or two others I have reservations, but if Eddie is happy, then that's certainly good enough for me. Ryan Fraser was causing mayhem in the SPL, our equivalent I'd say, so I'm sure he'd fit in very well. The forward line is my concern though now. Someone like Austin was most definitely what I was hoping to come in, expensive yes, but not only a statement of intent, but would of had us pushing further than any of us could possibly hope. Jackson will be a good addition if he signs, but no Austin. Being prudent is absolutely fine by me, many are concerned and rightly, at the amounts owing to Maxim, but there's splashing the cash, or spending it wisely. The signing of an Austin type figure with those already signed, is a mixture of the two. As for the Fair Play rules, it surprises me that monies brought in through sponsorship are not a way funding the club and staying within the rules, but as usual I'm probably wrong, and would love to hear an alternative opinion to put me straight on that. But I said when Eddie/Jason returned, that I'd not agree with everything they did, I'm a football supporter for goodness sakes, but THEY certainly know best, and I'm MORE than happy to go with everything they know to be best... UTC

