
Wednesday 3 July 2013

Still undecided whether to pay the price for the Real Madrid match?

Did you sleep okay? I'm rubbing my eyes but no I'm still reading headlines that AFC Bournemouth are playing Real Madrid this July.

I don't blame those AFCB fans who are struggling to decide if they can afford to go to yet another fixture, which they had not expected. I also know that many of you will have been delighted to see that AFCB has been successful in asking Real Madrid to come over to play a pre-season fixture at Dean Court. We all want to support our club and we all want to see them play against one of the best teams in the world. We want to see for ourselves how they get on.

Such matches were never going to be cheap to attend. It may be a friendly but there will be match costs and the revenue may well be split between the clubs. The decision whether to pay the inflated price for a friendly is made all the harder when you look at the full NPower Championship League season ahead. Do you save some money now so that you can go to one or two extra fixtures away or do you break the bank to see Real Madrid?

I was reminded by a fan last night that the game still compares favourably against many Premier League prices and that it would be a shame for those who wanted to see the game to miss out just because of the prices that have been set.

At least AFCB has given us all a bit of time to weigh up the decision, which is perhaps harder for family supporters and the multiple ticket prices involved. I myself am a bit lost in it all - I still can't believe that real Madrid's stars are coming to play at Dean Court. It really is going to happen, isn't it!
What a game for AFCB players. After playing Real Madrid they can hardly be scared of playing Nottingham Forest or Blackburn Rovers, for example. It's quite a masterstroke by AFCB as long as we don't get hammered 0-10!

I am thinking of seeing the away fixture at Woking the day before but if I go to that game it is going to be pretty hard get excited about when the next evening an AFCB eleven is taking on Real Madrid.

I guess what I am saying is you may have to ask yourself how often are you likely to see the likes of AFCB playing Real Madrid in your club's own back yard? Is it worth breaking the piggy bank just this once? As long as Real Madrid play one of their strongest teams I believe it will be an excellent showpiece to go to. The last time I was as excited about a match is when we played Manchester Utd at Dean Court over 20 years ago. And that's the rub - over 20 years ago! This is a one off match and it is one that will live in supporters memories for a long time.

I hope I have help make the decision a bit easier for some of you - one way or the other. I'm off to see what I can sell to raise some cash!

Finally, All Departments has been taking more pictures again of the temporary stand so I am sure you all want to have a little peak.

Mr Mitchell says the South stand should be ready for the big match so perhaps we should call it the Real Madrid end.


  1. In truth, it's one of those games where I'll not worry about the score. I'll be savouring the moment, be it a 1-0 win, or a 0-10 defeat. It will just be a pleasure to be there and be part of something Special. I just think more thought should be put behind some of the bitching going on about the prices. They certainly are steep, but is it REALLY that surprising. I understand Manure are away soon in Finland, and tickets there, are £75. Basically, if you can't afford to go it's a shame, but don't get bitter and twisted about it, it's GREAT profile for the club, and who knows if this could develop into something between the two clubs? Oh come on, it could happen... UTC

  2. Like Jeff Mostyn, I fancy a second leg away!

