
Tuesday 6 August 2013

A fresh feel to Dean Court

There was no doubt in my mind last Saturday that things all seemed a bit new and fresh on and off the pitch as we all turned up for the Charlton game. I couldn't quite work out what it was, but the euphoria of last season was renewed with another layer of optimism and a sense that the club is very much still going forward.

Did you like the new look Match Day programme?

My first sense of this is when I saw the Match Day programme. It is now perfect bound with a new title and packed with information as ever. I still haven't read through it all yet. Then there was the Wall of Fame which has been extended with a few more teams. The South stand of course looks superb as well as the club shop. I was told that the red an black goal nets were in place for the Real Madrid game, but I did not really notice them then. I was probably too busy watching Mr Ronaldo and company.

How do you like your nets?
Did you like the red and black nets? Is it more difficult to see the ball going in the net? I found it a bit strange that white bars run around the foot of the goal but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I guess the ones who'll notice things more are those who sit behind the goals at the North and South stands. White nets? Red and back nets? Does it depend on the colour of the ball as well? Send us your tweets on what you think.

What really blew the cobwebs away from last season though was the 2:1 victory. Grabban's ability to score sensational goals is back and with that I hope his desire to keep doing it on a regular basis can help the team achieve all it wants to this season. UTCIAD!

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