
Wednesday 21 August 2013

A more restrained Harry Arter?

I made a very short reference in my last match report to the fact that Harry Arter did not pick up a yellow card during the 90 minutes of the Wigan game. While I was pleased that he is giving himself a chance of not collecting 10 cards before the Christmas period I do feel that when he pulls back from hounding players he does lose a big part of his game.

Will the real aggressive Harry Arter appear next game?
In the Wigan match, I am not sure if he had special instructions to cool it or not after the Watford game, when he picked up a card in the first few minutes but he seemed more reserved than usual. In a way, it allowed Shaun MacDonald to really come to the fore and show his tackling strength as he made an awful lot of interceptions and started off many of the Cherries moves by winning the ball back in the first place. Macca quiet rightly got man of the match.

I also thought Arter was playing a bit deeper than we have seen him at home. This may have been because Eddie wanted him to guard against the talent that Wigan had in midfield, but it did mean that Harry had fewer shots and the one I do remember cleared the Ted MacDougall stand! I am sure that Harry will very quickly get back on the front foot, because that is what he is best at, driving the game and getting the team on the attack.

We love you not picking up cards Harry, but please attack, attack, attack. I hope we get hot shot Harry back asap.

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