
Sunday 18 August 2013

Grabban: taking it all in his stride

The sudden re-emergence of Lewis Grabban as a top striker has kind of taken me by surprise after his barren spell last season. I like the way that Eddie Howe says I don't think about Lewis and Brett as my top two strikers and that tactical decisions will influence his choice of striker to play on any one day. While Eddie also praises the terrific start that Lewis has made in the Championship, the managers feet on the ground approach to his every day method of dealing with the players seems to have rubbed off on Lewis. 

Grabban is simply on fire!

The video that you can see of Grabban's post-match interview on the official AFCB website's Cherries Player is just fantastic for the way Lewis is almost trying not to do the interview while chewing his gum and having a real itch in his ears. I don't think he is being disrespectful but is probably more not at ease in being the star in front of the camera screen.

Well, Lewis if you keep your scoring record up you are going to have to do a lot more interviews. I do think he is really a quiet guy and just wants to let his football do the talking but he thinks about his answers really well and I am rapidly becoming a big fan of Lewis not just because he knows where the back of the net is.

When asked about his good start to the season and if he expected it Grabban said: "I wouldn't say I expected it but I wanted it. It's going well so far."

I have been a bit critical of Lewis in the past when he missed one-on-one chances last season and while he may have been unlucky with his first chance against Wigan when Scott Carson managed to get something on his shot to make it struggle to get to the goal line he made up for it just before half time with his fourth goal in three matches.

And as for that goal against Wigan he commented: "When you get put through like that people think that it's easy but when you are going through you don't know what is behind you. You don't know who is tracking you so you don't really know how much time you have got. So a lot of the time you end up rushing it. But it was nice to get round the keeper and put it in.

"To be honest, I thought I was more fortunate that the keeper did not come out. I thought he would have got it if he had coming out, because I thought he was closer. I was more happy that he stopped his run."

The most revealing comments that Lewis made though were about the step up to the Championship and how he felt about scoring at this level and what he felt about Championship defences. "It's a different league so defences play a bit different, teams play a bit differently. But you can exploit different things. It's a bit mire frantic in League One. here your ability comes out a bit more. So I'd say it's a different challenge."

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