
Thursday 8 August 2013

Here come the men in black

I have been long asked to run an item on Championship referees by one of my friends in the Family stand - he knows who he is. Well I've finally got around to it. After seeing Andy D'Urso running around our hallowed turf last weekend I thought perhaps it is time that I pondered on what famous names could be coming down to us to make sure there is fair play on the pitch this season at Dean Court.

I must admit that it's the Premiership referees that tend to get all the headlines and I usually simply frown at the officials who take to the pitch wondering what kind of a game they will have. I know that we must have them in order to hold the game and they always try and give the correct decision, but I know that at some point through the season they will drive me mad at least once or twice, no make that three, four , five -- well you get the point.

It does not bother me if we have big named referees or John Smith who perhaps last week graced the Conference South. However, to others it is a big part of the game with stats and details about every yellow and red card that they have ever given and even the timings. I guess I'm not one to hold a grudge for long if a bad decision is made. They are only trying to do their job after all and I don't fancy getting everything right over 90 minutes of frantic Championship football.

Come on ref keep up with the play.
So what names might we see this season? This coming week the refs are: Andrew Madley, Stephen Martyn, Carl Boyeson, Mr D'Urso again, Paul Tierney, Andy Haines, Graham Salisbury, David Webb (hang on he's nicked our old manager's name), Graham Salisbury, James Adcock and Tim Robinson.

You can see all the match officials this season on the Football League site.

I hope you were taking notes. Do you know the good ones from the poor ones, because I haven't a clue. I only hope that Mr Adcock has a great game along with his assistants, John Law, Mark Russell and John Busby. They are the officials for the Watford v Bournemouth game. No pressure lads, we'll be watching closely. 

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