
Thursday 29 August 2013

Tokelo Rantie - AFCB's new cutting-edge?

It was clear that Jason Tindall wanted to send a message out that Tokelo Rantie had been the club's number one striker target all along. Perhaps the Danny Ings bid was a token gesture then? Whatever the case, AFCB were pleased to bring a top international striker, subject to international clearance, to the South coast and Rantie will really boost Eddie's striker options. The 22-year old is said to be a powerful front man and has a good background having been signed from Malmo in Sweden and having been a full international player for South Africa.

It is now a case of how will he fit in with the players we have and what will Howe's main partnership be now? Grabban and Pitman may still remain his top pairing but at least he has a different kind of player now. Once Rantie is settled though I think he may start most games. He is certainly a signing that other teams will take note of. I remember when we had Northern Ireland's Colin Clarke at the club many years ago and the lift that having an international player up front can give the team. Rantie has only just begun his international career and I expect some fans will start looking out for South African matches now. 

I do like the way that Tindall points towards Dave Webb as being a key part of the decision to bring him in and I hope Tokelo does well to show that Dave is a great judge of players. The English players that were available did not attract AFCB either for their abilities or more likely their price and wages. I feel it is exciting to see so many different nationalities at the club although I would be especially pleased if we found amazing English talent. 

The big question that every one will want to know but can only guess at is how much did he cost? Good luck with that one at the next Fans' Forum. All we have been told is that it is a record club fee being paid out, although it will remain undisclosed. Still we know the four year contract will see Rantie an AFCB player through to 2017. The fact that Tokelo wanted to come proves that he must be one of the high earners and will be seen as a main spearhead for the Cherries assault on the top half of the Championship. We wish you all the best Tokelo and look forward to seeing you play.

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