
Monday 30 September 2013

AFCB may need another combative player

The absence of Harry Arter is starting to be more apparent. AFCB lack their usual bite and hassling terrier appetite in the centre of the park and that is giving the opposition more time on the ball to pick out the clever passes that put our back line on the turn. I would be very happy if we could hear some good news about Harry Arter soon or failing that some news of AFCB's interest in acquiring a loan player with a combative style. 

The top teams in this league like QPR and Burnley have strong midfield players with some attitude like Joey Barton and Dean Marney. With Harry currently out of the team, AFCB look an easier team to play against than they have been. I don't see O'Kane as being such an aggressive player but more of a skillful, touch player that opens doors with his vision and precise passing. Shaun MacDonald does have more of a combative style but is finding the Championship a tough battle ground and is starting to come off worse in many of the challenges that he goes in for.

Eunan O'Kane, close control and speed of thought.
Who will partner Eunan on Tuesday night?
Whether Surman can come in and do a job for the Leeds game is yet to be seen, but Howe may be running out of options. He could draft Cook into midfield but this would really be covering the cracks. Center midfield is going to be a key area against Leeds and there is a question over who will partner O'Kane there with Hughes missing out after his red card and Macca and Arter injured. Perhaps it is time for the experience of Stephen Purches to fill in?

I have my fingers crossed that Harry Arter may be able to come back in but with no news about our tigerish midfield man I fear that AFCB will be going into Tuesday's game with a team that would benefit from a little more aggression in such a feisty arena in which to play football.

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