
Tuesday 3 September 2013

Allsop likes the colour yellow

It has not escaped many fans or the manager's attention that Ryan Allsop has suddenly become a bit of a yellow card magnet. In the last few games he has rather pushed his luck with regard to time wasting, although commentators have suggested that he is coached in this respect by the chief time wasting master, Elliott Ward. 

While the young apprentice has not yet been able to evade the attention of referees, Elliott Ward has it off to a fine art. We know what is coming when he comes up to take a free kick now. It's several touches of the ball, a look up field, another check on the blades of grass supporting the ball, before causally coming up to the ball and kicking it all the way back to the keeper or asking someone else to come across to take the kick.

Allsop likes the colour yellow perhaps a bit too much.
Ryan is so funny when he attempts to take his time over his kicks and throws. He always gives off a feeling of calm and coolness in what he is doing any way, and when he slows down even more it is so obvious that he is trying to kill time. Willo on BBC Radio Solent asked: "I wonder if a keeper has ever been sent off for two yellows with his time wasting?" It would be a little harsh, but Ryan has been risking it a bit of late.

The fact that Eddie Howe has had a bit of a chuckle about it and it has not gone unnoticed will probably mean that Rockie does not use the tactic quite so much in the next few games. I have also been impressed with Ryan's quick feet as well. There have been a number of times where he has shown a clear pair of heels to forwards who ave been closing down on him when he has had the ball at his feet. It all shows to me that Ryan is a winner and that he is enjoying his football.

Ryan is not the biggest culprit of collecting yellow cards though for AFCB this season. Top of the list is Brett Pitman on three and Harry Arter is level with Ryan Allsop on two.

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