
Monday 23 September 2013

Big teams still underestimate AFCB

Some teams in the Championship either are not doing their homework or have an overgrown self-importance of their status in today's game. While we are less than 10 games into the new season the astute managers in the Championship who have not yet played the Cherries will have noted that they are mixing it with teams near the top of the table, and while AFCB have lost a few games they have won just as many. Still, there are those who see a visit of the Cherries to their ground as an easy three points for their team, if the home team turns up. There may be more rude surprises to come for them.

Lining up to deliver more surprises.

I quite like being the underdog and long may those over confident managers put out their team of hopefuls who play for once huge clubs and get turned over by the ambitious Cherries. Away fixtures for AFCB fans are extremely exciting this season. I don't think I have been in such big stadiums apart from when I have watched England play in internationals and the odd Premier League game, when I have been a guest of some sponsor. Yet, for our players the scenery does not seem to matter. Eddie Howe has installed in them a determined mind set that if they play their passing football and look to get at the opposition from the start they are more than capable of winning away from home in the Championship.

I was perhaps apprehensive about how AFCB would do going away to some of the teams in the Championship, but I see them as really being part of this league now.

I have been reading an excellent book that was just published last year called 'Moving the goalposts' by Rob Jovanovic (published by Pitch Publishing). It is a great read for any football fan but in it Rob talks about how there are common misconceptions about the great game with the stats being put through the mill. While Bournemouth only get one mention (that was to say they would have been relegated in 1994/5 instead of Cambridge Utd if it had been 2pts for a win and not 3pts), it does have some great detail on how those former top tier clubs have fallen away and the years that have passed by since teams like Brighton, Leeds Utd and Ipswich, for example have graced the top tier. Jovanovic (Twitter @NFFC150) also shows graphically how those getting away to a good start in their league in September often are their next May more often than not. Pick up a copy if you get the chance, your local library should have it.

What I am trying to say is that there are no prizes today for having a great history in the past. You make your own history and today AFCB are on their way to doing something special. Watch this space Championship managers - AFCB are coming to your ground and we don't like losing!    

All Departments' Kangeroo Court: Middlesbrough 3 v 3 AFCB is available to listen to for free at All Departments website or on the right hand panel of Cherry Chimes - just scroll down the page. 

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