
Thursday 26 September 2013

Grabban and Pitman could benefit from Rantie's arrival

It may seem strange at first to think that the addition of another striker could help your prospects in the team, but I honestly think that Brett Pitman and Lewis Grabban can benefit from Tokelo Rantie's appearance on the scene. That is at least while he finds his feet in the team and the Championship, and carries the weight of expectation to score his first goal and to live up to his high billing. 

For while Tokelo is taking the media spotlight and drawing the attention of the opposition and is the one that may be singled out for special attention, Grabban and Pitman will find a tad less pressure on themselves. Lewis has already bagged five goals and Brett is catching up on three. I don't really mind who gets the goals as long as they keep coming, and if it so happens that Tokelo sets up more than he scores fans should not see this as any less of a contribution.

Top scorer, Lewis Grabban.
If Tokelo finds it a struggle to do something spectacular he may find that he is the one that is over looked for a starting space eventually. But if he is putting in performances that are hurting the opposition and others are benefiting he will keep his place. All goal scorers go through barren spells and it may be that Wes Thomas or Josh McQuoid can contribute with some extra fire power.

I just hope that we don't expect too much too soon from the star signing as he has only just touched down in the country and he has a massive learning curve ahead of him. Eddie and Jason though have talked him up a fair bit so they are sure he will deliver.

Brett Pitman is doing okay from the penalty spot. Can
he score on open play now?
Meanwhile, Brett Pitman must be enjoying all those headlines this week of closing in on, James Hayter, Steve Fletcher and Ted McDougall's scoring records for the Cherries. I suspect though that records are the kind of thing that most players think about only after they retire and Brett, like Lewis and Tokelo, probably just wants to get the next goal, whenever that may be. Sooner rather than later please!     

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