
Thursday 10 October 2013

How can AFCB get Rantie scoring?

While Tokelo has made a fair contribution in the start of his AFCB career we want to get him on the score sheet. I would hope that in the international break Tokelo just gets some time after his South African commitments to spend some time in working with the midfield and forward players at AFCB to ascertain a a few more of his strengths and weaknesses. 

Tokelo and Brett before shooting practise.

Sadly, I am  not sure how many days he may get with Jason and Eddie. South Africa (Bafana Bafana) play Morocco in an international friendly on 11 October in Agadir. There is not much between the rankings of the teams with South Africa 68 and Morocco 76. At least the flight will not be as long as going to Johanesburg for Tokelo. When he returns though he will only have a few days training before the Forest game on 19th October.

From what I have seen of Tokelo he looks like a forward who likes to play on the last man's shoulder to use his speed to get the one-on one scoring opportunities. Much of his close ball retention and tricks have been seen on the half way line and I'd like to see him do more of his tricks in the box. With Bournemouth's high possession football the team should be able to feed hi through when he is in and around the box. Grabban would appear to be the striker that is more likely to find the space though at the moment and Tokelo will have to improve his movement in and around the box.

While Tokelo has been keen to get a few shots away, and he certainly hits the ball hard, we need him to be working the keepers more in games if he is going to be the success that we all hope for. It may just be that he needs that first goal to get going. If it comes at Nottingham Forest I will be one who will be very pleased to watch him celebrate.

You can catch up on Cherry Chimes review of what bloggers are saying on their teams in the Championship by looking at Rival Lines. Today we look at blogs covering the teams between 18th and 13th.

I also hear today that Macca has had to withdraw from the Welsh squad which is a shame but I did wonder how he had suddenly returned to fitness having missed last weekend's game. 


  1. That's exactly the point!! Grabban has found more space, and why?? Tokelo is causing panic, along with Fraser, and Grabban will benefit from this. Because of his fee, because he hasn't scored yet, quite a few are questioning the signing of Rantie, I'm not. He was always likely going to take time to settle, but he's shown me a side to his game which is perfect for us. With Fraser, Pugh, Ritchie when fit, there is little in the way of height, although we might give the 7 Dwarfs a run for their money. No, we have the ability to run at teams and pass right through them. Why oh why we are sending crosses into the box for 6'+ defenders to eat up defeats me, but I'm sure Eddie has his reasons, but that aside, Tokelo is creating space for OTHERS to score, Graddan, Fraser, Pugh and Ritchie for sure will be hitting the target. Pitman on the other hand looks lost, he doesn't have their speed, which in part I'd suggest, is why he's missing out. Rantie in the main, is having to make his own chances, midfield don't feed him with the right through balls, although as with Fraser for his goal Saturday, he does it for others. Goals will come, but he must feel somewhat isolated because I don't think the team has worked out how to play to his strengths. Goal scorers are nothing without the right service, unless your Defoe, and who knows, in time when Rantie has got to grips with the huge changes in his life, he too may be a similar type of player, but right now, he needs the right sort of service AND OUR SUPPORT!!! All that said, I can totally understand the argument that we could of spent that sort of money and possibly bought Ings AND Vokes, then you'd have fans like myself going WTF!!! That's before the goals started going in that is. To finish, my ONLY concern is lack of height if we are to continue hurling crosses into the box, but I'm just a fan with an opinion, and I'm certainly not judging Eddie/Jason's tactics as they without doubt no best.... UTCIAD

    1. Hi AfcbPete,

      I am glad that you have strong opinions - that's what we like. I am probably naughty in seeing if anyone would have a reaction to my Rantie story but I am pleased that you are seeing the positives in Tokelo's signing and the way he is creating space for others. I am not sure he knew much about the ball that hit him and fell for Arter in the box for AFCB's third against Millwall but I suppose he was in the right area of the box.

      I do think that Josh McQuoid will get a go though at some point and the timing of that could be important if he comes on and scores. Eddie and Jason have to judge who is playing best in training and of course we would all like two or more of our strikers to be banging in the goals - not just Grabban.

  2. I do go on a bit don't I, sorry LOL... In the past, Josh was scoring some cracking goals. But it seems apart from Ritchie, there will be several queueing up to try and get a starting place, but much of the team almost picks itself now. How ever, it's good from our point of view, to have such a strong bench. To achieve all that we have with the injuries mounting up, is an exceptional achievement by the whole squad. Yet we may have to cut Ritchie a bit of slack, as the poor guy has missed much of pre-season besides the last few months, so he too will need a period of adjustment.

