
Monday 25 November 2013

AFCB have to roll up their sleeves now

Eddie Howe has always believed this would be a very difficult season for the Cherries. The points tally from the last 10 games of just 9 points, including two wins, is not great reading. While I think AFCB have been unlucky not to pick up more points at times and have had some great performances, they have also been found a bit wanting at times.

Confidence as we know is a big factor in performances. AFCB need to really roll up their sleeves now in my opinion and make themselves impregnable, especially at home. That is going to be difficult with the changes at the back but all 11 players have to defend better and set the tone for a resilient performance. It is no good AFCB going into games worrying that they are now up against great teams. AFCB have to reduce that fear factor and have belief in themselves to get results and a lot of that confidence must come from the crowd's enthusiasm when we see the payers doing things well.

The focus has to be on getting back up the table now. There are plenty of teams around AFCB that are catchable and the Cherries need to hang in and pick up some points at this point even if that does mean defending for longer periods of games. If the team can just go unbeaten for two or three games that would give them the confidence to turn some draws into wins. The next few matches are serious play-off contending teams, so avoiding defeat will be difficult but with the past run of games AFCB have to try and pick up points somewhere.

I don't believe any one has to press a panic button yet, but the next three games are now very important. The team needs to go into the Christmas period with a better points return and while most games are tight in the Championship, AFCB have to start coming out on the right side. Eddie Howe is shrewd though. He knows it is a hard job and will be looking to give the Cherries every chance he can to win more games.

'Frustrating' is the word that has been banded about in the last month or so with AFCB's results because the performances have been good on the whole. Now we need to hear that the teams has not only been working hard on the training pitch. but are getting the rewards that they deserve.

We'll try and keep thinking positive. A win will make a huge difference to this team.  UTCIAD!

Michael Dunne has released his All Departments Kangeroo Court on the Derby County match. His guest is Dean Court Match Day announcer Mike Botto. You can visit All Departments or listen on the side bar pannel on Cherry Chimes.

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