
Thursday 21 November 2013

Can Ritchie supply the craft to work keepers harder?

Matt Ritchie could well be the magical ingredient that AFCB need to work opposition keepers harder. Eddie Howe has openly commented that the team have not been having enough shots on goal in recent games and to do that our players need a good supply of chances. Having played 60 minutes yesterday in a behind closed-doors friendly against a Reading eleven, perhaps we will see Matt at some stage on Saturday.

Ritchie is one player who can get up and down the wing well and has a good shot on him himself. Looking at the amount of shots Bournemouth had against Bolton last match you may not think that the Cherries need to create that many more chances to win games. The BBC match report states 20 shots, but only 4 on target for AFCB.

AFCB struggled even more against Blackburn when they had 9 goal attempts and again four on target, while the Blackpool defeat registered 14 goal attempts and 3 on target for AFCB. The Millwall game of course was the high point of the season for the Cherries at home so far, having 21 goal attempts and 8 shots on target.

It appears that the Cherries are creating some chances but the quality of them is not good enough for the final shots to be on target. Increasing the rate of quality strikes is what Tokelo, Lewis and Brett have to aim for in particular but it also shows that are strikers are not missing so many one on ones as some would have you think.

We also speak with Ollie Write today who is the Derby County Blog author. Have a look on Rival Lines to find out more about Saturday's opposition.

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