
Sunday 10 November 2013

The wait is over for Tokelo

We all knew he had to score at some time. After all, Eddie was going to play him no matter what and boy are we all pleased that Tokelo was selected to play at Turf Moor. As usual the afternoon did not start off too well for Tokelo, for while he found a way to get into a scoring position in the first couple of minutes he did not manage to score from his first opportunity. Here we go again, most of us thought.

Tokelo should feel a lot better when he makes his
next home appearance after his stunning goal at Burnley.
Is this the start of a good goal scoring run for Rantie?
I was not at the game on Saturday and so had to wait until the highlights came on the Football League Show before I could see just how good Tokelo's turn and strike was. Kris Temple and Willo were raving about it after 50 minutes of the match. Of course the goal was indeed spectacular and worthy of winning any game.

As could be expected from Tokelo though after the game he only had praise for his team mates and manager Eddie Howe. Strike partner Brett Pitman in particular was praised by Tokelo for giving him so much encouragement over the last few weeks when he had not been able to score. That says a lot about Brett and perhaps even more about the togetherness that there is within the squad. Tokelo seems at home here and speaks with pleasure and fondness for his team mates that regularly ask him to come and join them in their homes, so that they can spend more time with him.

From what we have seen of Tokelo there is clear evidence that he can be something special and Eddie Howe certainly believes this. Tokelo can beat two or three players at the drop of a hat and if he can work on that final element of his game to score more frequently he could yet prove to be the striker that every one talks about in the Championship. UTCIAD!

1 comment:

  1. Albeit on YouTube, when I first sat Tokelo I thought IF ONLY we could sign a player of such quality. True I didn't expect him to have a goal draught upon signing, but the transition could and would prove difficult. I am SO pleased for TK, the guy is such a genuine person, and it's really pleasing that the squad are being as helpful as they are in his integration. As you say, he could of had more, and hopefully it won't be too long before he's taking more of these chances. But I see Ritchie being key here, and quite likely Brett. It seems TK and Brett could have a good partnership developing between them from what I can gleam from yesterday. Ritchie will be a bonus for everyone, with Fraser hopefully getting back to full fitness by the Derby game, will mean I can see us becoming a really formidable force. Yet ANOTHER International break, the 23rd can't come soon enough!! UTCIAD

