
Sunday 15 December 2013

Does AFCB's new rewards scheme excite you?

Last week AFCB announced its new rewards scheme for supporters that offers the chance to earn points towards certain rewards such as match day hospitality, 12th man and mascot packages, Black Label events, club store etc. I think the idea is a good one if you are a company that supports the club on a regular basis but for everyday fans it may be more difficult to earn enough reward points for the prizes you would like, but if the scheme widens and it is easier to earn points with smaller purchases then perhaps it will attract plenty of supporters.

I imagine the idea is to get more people experiencing the various special moments you can have at the club and share some of those things with others who have never been to a match at Dean Court. I suppose that people that register are told how many points they have on a regular basis so that they know how close they are to earning the points they need for that special treat.

I must admit that I tried to register, and each time I tried to then log in the site wanted me to register again. Perhaps there are some gremlins still to be sorted out, but if you find the scheme is good for you and you have a good experience in the coming months through the voucher system why not tell us all about it here on Cherry Chimes.

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