
Sunday 5 January 2014

Can the January sales bring Eddie Howe what he wants?

We'll all be looking at the shop windows in January for a bargain. Our task might be a bit easier though than Eddie Howe's challenge to bring in quality new players. It's not just the quality he needs, it's players that will adapt to AFCB style and assimilate quickly with the other players without rocking the boat.
Come on Eddie. Tell us who you are going to bring in. I won't tell anyone promise!
The news that Eddie Howe wants to look at bringing some players in is probably not what you want to hear if you are fighting tooth and nail just to get into the 18-man match day squad. It's also not easy for the youth players to hear that others are being looked at while you are trying to establish yourself. But it is the same at all the clubs that have ambition.

There is probably a list of players that the club has its scouts eyeing up on a rolling basis. This period could be hard work for Dave Webb, Steve Fletcher and others as they look to keep tabs on the best players that are available at the right price. It's the last word in the previous sentence that makes me nervous about the January buying season. What price do you put on staying in the Championship? Our Russian owners will be looking carefully at what is required to keep the club at this level before hoping to build for next season.

Eddie Howe could look abroad again for a new striker, but there are some in League One like Peterborough's Britt Assombalonga who are grabbing headlines -  a potential target?
It has taken a long time for the Cherries to get to this level so while I am keen for them to try and stay in the Championship I would support them no matter what division they are in. I think everyone at AFCB knows this is the case with our supporters, especially with our history of financial troubles. That is what makes it so strange to be thinking of spending in January for the second season in a row. It wasn't like this in the old days, but then again AFCB is a different Championship beast now. Let's hope that Eddie and his team pick up the right players that are going to bring further success. If AFCB get it right the future really is going to look bright and the signing of Lee Camp is a very good start.

1 comment:

  1. Lee Camp is a great start. It's hardly a secret the Maxim wants/hopes, to get us into The Premier league, and yes, I'm never going to stop pinching myself that we even have an owner A) who has a love for the game, B) keeps his nose out and leaves the footballing side to those who know (although without doubt, as a football fan apart from spending his own money, he has an opinion), C) I feel totally confident he is not going to cause us to go out of business by waving goodbye out of boredom.
    So with all THAT out of the way, because there are still some worry guts out there, we turn to Eddie and this window. I see little point bringing in players who will make good Championship players, because as I've already said, the aim is higher. OK, so not this season or even next, it's fanciful to think it will ever happen, many teams spend money and fail, but I do think the likes of Lee Camp, with proven Premiership experience is vital, because if we did reach The Holy Grail, Eddie is not going to have to completely buy a new team to cope with the giant step up.
    So it's interesting times to say the least, I'm just not sure I'll ever get my brain cell around the fact we're so fortunate!! UTCIAD

