
Tuesday 28 January 2014

Match Description: TK tip-toes through the rain to score AFCB 2 v 1 Huddersfield

AFCB 2 V 1 Huddersfield Town
28 January 2014
Attendance: 7258 (including 326 Huddersfield fans) 

Under the floodlights (pic Harry Brown)
The teams are out but the groundsman still want to do their work.
AFCB named an unchanged team for the visit of Huddersfield. Having recovered from their exploits in the FA Cup this was always billed as a tricky home fixture for the Cherries having seen five goals fly past them in the away fixture earlier in the season. But there was no James Vaughan or Adam Hammill for the visitors and AFCB fans were buoyant having heard the news that Adam Smith had signed a permanent deal with the club even if he was not available for this game.

HTAFC are very artistic so here is there nice diagram.

Match Description listening to BBC Radio Solent: As it happened
AFCB kicking towards the Ted MacDougall stand this half with Huddersfield in yellow. Graham Horwood's first game as ref in the Championship we hear. Wells is tackled by Francis. Arter up to half way and his pass is cut out by Anthony Gerrard.Danny Ward to Woods and Wells had a nice shot but camp makes the save.

The ball is played out quick but Grabban can't get to it in time. Huddersfield have it until it goes out for a throw. Francis heads out. Gobern loses the ball and O'Kane to Grabban, Gerrard comes in and it could have been a penalty, but an initial infringement is given instead - corner. Ritchie takes a corner, Ward and then Arter looked like they would score but the keeper brings off brilliant saves from point blank range! Grabban is now offside. "Fantastic reflexes," says Willo.

Francis on the right to Ritchie and Gerrard puts it out. Arter to Surman, Ritchie fires wide. Huddersfield just playing with three at the back. Huddersfield throw and Danny Ward almost scores with a header but goes past the left hand post. Elphick did just enough to put him off. 

Daniels loses the ball. Smith takes the throw but Arter has it then Ritchie and Francis. Ward counters with O'Kane chasing. Elphick volleys the ball away after 8 minutes. Huddersfield win a corner off Francis. Norwood takes it. Matt Ritchie charges it down but its back in to Woods and Clayton but Dixon over hits it as Grabban closes.

Wells wriggles away from Elphick but shoots wide. Willo not impressed that Elphick let the ball bounce there. Daniles to Pugh, low cross but its out for a goal kick. There's puddles on the pitch apparently in some spots! Grabban puts Wallace under pressure and gets a corner. Ritchie now with Francis and Grabban but Wells clears. 11 minute gone. Surman tries a long pass but it's out for a goal kick.

Daniels is in trouble and Steve Hard comes on to the pitch. Daniels is coming off after 13 minutes and Ian Harte gets ready to come on. "He's probably got something to prove here," says Willo. O'Kane to Arter, now a chance for Woods and Gobern to Clayton who finds Dixon but it's cleared.

The Cherries have the ball. "A lot of water came off that ball," says Willo. Francis and Ritchie, but there was an important touch by Danny Ward. 17.5 minutes gone. Grabban wins a through off of Wallace, chasing lost causes. Francis and Ritchie linking up again. Long ball to Ian Harte, but Dixon gets the header wrong and its a corner to AFCB. Harte and Ritchie by the ball. It comes to Ritchie and a terrific save around the post for another corner. Loads of pace on that corner but a great save. "That's the third save Smithies has made, got down to his left at full stretch," says Willo.

Pugh in field to O'Kane and Ian Harte. Arter looks for ugh, but it's easy for Smithies. Huddersfield down the right with Ward crossing but Camp claims it. Ritchie to Grabban but Clayton has it and looks for Wells, Woods and Gobern and through to Camp.

O'Kane to Surman but Dixon wins it to Clayton and Norwood and Elphick wins the ball. O'Kane looks for Grabban and Gerrard gets a good tackle in. Harte takes a corner but it's cleared out of play. the rain has nearly stopped - light drizzle.

Ritchie and Pugh to Harte and onto Grabban. O'Kane on half way and now Elphick. Harte to Grabban trying to link with Arter but Huddersfield clear. Ritchie seems to have a floating role and is switching wings. Wells and O'Kane battle for the ball. Now Pugh and back to Elliot Ward. Elphick to Francis and Surman. Now Arter and Clayton is away. Dixon has a shot and Camp goes down well on his right hand post. Pugh loses control on the break. "It's an attritional night," says Temple.

Grabban is being forced away from goal. Wells on the break and it's back to Camp. O'Kane and Ward. Grabban is offside as Surman looked for him. "Magnificent pass," says Willo. Grabban down the right and Gerrard gets in when Surman and Pugh wanted the ball.

O'Kane feeds it through to Grabban who is offside again. The rain is back, 32 minutes gone. Danny Ward finds Wells in his green boots but Arter blocks Norwood. Francis though gives a free kick against Francis on Norwood, dead centre near the box. "A shooting opportunity," says Willo.

Norwood to take. It's too high and over the bar. The Cherries get a free kick. Ritchie is annoyed that Elphick is not giving any information to him. Grabban to Arter and Surman. Harte in support, Grabban heads it behind. Handball by Gobern. Surman to Grabban outside box but Gerrard slides in.

"Danny Ward has the cleanest of the Huddersfield shirts," says Temple. It hasn't been the most thrilling of spectacles he adds, apart from some chance is the first 20 minutes. Elliott Ward air shots but has a second attempt to clear and Arter is fouled. Ritchie over to Harte. Pugh to Ritchie and Grabban was on it but the ball did not hold up. Six minutes until half time.

Francis has a shot but its scooped away. O'Kane to Surman and AFCB get the throw. Dixon cannons it off Ritchie and gets a throw. "Red Army" is belted out! still 0:0 here. Woods plays back to the keeper who clears in a hurry. Francis now caught by Woods. Francis with the free kick, but Smithies collects.

Both teams get four to six passes in but then it keeps breaking down.Two minutes added on. Wells looks for Ward but it runs out for a throw. Pugh is caught and another set piece half way inside the Huddersfield half. Harte takes but it's half time. Smithies the busier of the two keepers, but it's 0:0 at half time.

That doesn't look good - goal mouth at the North stand. (pic from Geoff zzzzz)
A delayed second half as groundsmen try and clear the pitch of standing water!

Second Half
Ritchie to Grabban, avoids Wallace and now Pugh across goal, beats everyone but wide! Almost a great start for AFCB. Arter to Grabban across comes Wallace. Arter and Surman and Harte to Pugh but the cross goes out. Ward tidies up in the Cherries half. "Is it more of a three up top," says Temple looking at AFCB's formation. Ritchie certainly has a floating role tonight. Ward shoots for Huddersfield but Camp saves.

Clayton and Gobern runs into Harte. Arter has it but plays it behind Pugh and out. Harte plays it forward. The ball is sticking in places but there's no more rain. Pugh over half way and Surman on through the middle. O'Kane turns and into Gabban but it's cleared. Norwood to Clayton and Dixon. But Surman has it. Wells almost in but Ward gets a head in. 

Pugh now has a shot well off target on his left foot. O'Kane against Norwood. Huddersfield down the left with Dixon and Wells charitably hooks it into Elliott Ward. Ward to Pugh but Gobern has it and Wells bends his run but the ball is too strong.

Pitman is limbering up. Gobern to Woods level with the box. Dixon overlaps, Ritchie knicks it back. Harte to Pugh and goes down. Penalty to AFCB! "The game needed livening up," says Temple. Grabban to take the penalty - deep breathe1 He missed his last one. "No mistake this time! 54 minutes, low to the keeper's left - 1:0 to the Cherries.

I am praying that the game is not called off now. "Eleven times when AFCB have scored first they have won the game," says Temple. Don't you just love meaningless stats!

11 minutes gone in the second half. "We're on our way," being sung. Another few goals would be nice. "Eddie Howe's Barmy Army" now. handball against Gerrard played on. Cherries on left with Ricthie, but Clayton wins it and Ward then Woods with Dixon to Wells and a one to with Woods. GOAL! Woods low shot and it's 1:1. A rasping finish from Woods. Cut along 18 yard box. It was a one-two that undid AFCB. Top corner finish. " Absolutely leathered the ball, cutting on to his favourite foot," says Willo. 59 minutes gone.

Gobern goes off and Southern enters the game on the hour. Ward up to Gerrard. and Norwood. Ritchie wins the ball. "Nine of the last 11 goals for AFCB have come from Ritchie or Grabban," says Temple. Harry  Arter slides in and comes off worse. Free kick to AFCB.

Pugh turns from Smith. Harte to Grabban and Arter, back to Harte. Pugh to Harte, but can't find O'Kane too much water! Ritchie with Francis, but Huddersfield defending well. Arter and Surman shoots blocked by Gerrard. Francis to the byline headed out by Gerrard. Pugh now but Ritchie loses it until O'Kane and now Francis, but Huddersfield clear.

Pugh almost unlocked the door again. A quarter of the game to go. Francis puts the ball out. AFCB make a sub. Rantie comes on and Surman comes off after 68 minutes. Wells to Woods and Dixon. Southern dinks it in Smith is there but Harte hacks it away. Norwood's cross is headed out by Elliott Ward.

"The last three goals in the Championship have been Grabban penalties," says Temple. Wells is offside. Willo was not sure about that one. GOAL! Francis to O'Kane and Rantie has his first goal at home. 18 minutes to go and it's 2:1. Willo was sure that Rantie would score and he has. Rantie gets booked for over celebrating. "Let's hope that it's the first of a lot more to come," says Willo.

O'Kane had broken through the middle and while Rantie hit the post it went in - they all count! Pugh is caught by Norwood and Norwood is booked. "Rantie give us a wave," sing the North stand. " He's just running across the ground and not even making foot prints - Rantie, says Willo.

Scannell comes on for Norwood after 76 minutes. 13 minutes to go. Here's Ritchie to Rantie but Wallace clears. Now Arter but Rantie is offside. Scannell loses the ball and Elphick plays it up to Rantie who wins a throw. The conditions are ideal for him. Stead replaces Woods the goal scorer. Grabban spins looking for Rantie and wins a corner.

A good delivery please Ian Harte. Here he comes. It's volleyed clear by Clayton. Pugh has been running through quicksand all night," says Temple. AFCB given a throw after Huddersfield tried to grab too many yards. Arter to the byline volleyed clear. Scannell has the ball finds Ward and lee camp at full stretch from Wells' shot. Francis missed the header and got underneath the ball. It's a corner to Huddersfield. Francis heads back towards his own goal. Another corner. Wallace jumps with Harte. Clayton shoots but it's hammered clear by Arter.

Eight minutes to go. The ball is out on the far side. Lee Camp again saves from another Huddersfield shot. AFCB hitting the channels for Rantie to chase. Harte holds up Scannell. Six minutes left. The Cherries have it with Arter and then Rantie takes on Wallace but Smithies gets the ball. Five minutes left. Stead wins a throw in off Elphick by the corner flag.

Goal kick now to AFCB. Rantie has support with Grabban but it's a Huddersfield goal kick. Three and a half minutes to go. Southern to Dixon and Stead but Francis gets in and plays it back to Camp. Francis has had a ropey 10 minutes.

MacDonald comes on for Ritchie. Dixon crossed but Pugh clears. We are into the 90th minute. Elliott Ward clears to Southern and Scannell and Pugh gets a block in for a corner. Ward takes it. camp was being blocked but the ball lands on to of the net. Five minutes of extra time.

O'Kane again is man of the match on text. The ball came in to the back post and Danny Ward had a good chance and could not keep it down. That was a dangerous ball  in the corridor between centre back and full back and they all missed it for AFCB!

Pugh releases Rantie at the corner and wins a throw off of Wallace. Grabban and Arter fight for possession. Pugh and Harte annoyed that Huddersfield have the throw. The Cherries have a throw now. 1 minute left of extra time. Smithies clears from Rantie.

Rantie is in and goes round the keeper and can't get the ball away and it sticks under his foot. Rantie bows his head in frustration, but it doesn't matter. The whistle has gone. 2:1 to the Cherries.

AFCB team sheet not so polished but it's the official one.
The hand is a nice touch.

Camp, Francis, Ward, Elphick, Daniels (Harte 13), Ritchie (MacDonald 88), Arter, O'Kane, Surman (Rantie 68), Pugh, Grabban

AFCB Subs: Allsop, Pitman, Harte, Rantie, Cook, McQuoid, MacDonald

Huddersfield Town:
Smithies, Smith, Gerrard, Wallace, Woods (Stead 78), Dixon, Gobern (Southern 59), Norwood (Scannell 76), Clayton, Wells, Ward.

Huddersfield Subs:
Holmes, Scannell, Clarke, Stead, Lolley, Bennett and Southern.

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