
Tuesday 4 February 2014

Is Francis' position under threat?

The arrival of Adam Smith should not send shivers down Simon Francis' spine. While he will find it more competitive to keep his place every game with Adam pushing him for the stating spot he should use it as a positive to drive himself on further and to try and perform better. To be fair Simon has had it pretty good for the last season and a half and he needs someone to challenge him if AFCB are to get the best out of him.
Simon Francis has not missed a game this season yet.
Adan Smith is also great going forward but has he become
a more astute defender in his time away from AFCB?
Now and again I do wonder if Francis does switch off or just gives players a little more room that he should, but this is a very hard league and it is his first season at this level. The goal that Leicester scored at the weekend came from a cross from the left wing that you can argue might have been stopped, but on the far post Kevin Phillips had managed to pull away from Francis to get a clear header on goal. It's slight margins and minor details and all our players have to be vigilant, but even a regular defender like Francis is still learning.

All the players have done well in truth, including Simon Francis, and to be where they are at this stage of the season is a credit to all of them. I just want the team to keep improving and that is the reason why Adam Smith has been brought in just like Yann Kermogant has been added to the forward line.

In some games Adam Smith may be preferred to Simon Francis and vice versa depending on the opposition and how the players are doing in training. I also like to see that AFCB finally has some specialist cover at right back as I was worried who would fill in at right back if Francis did get injured. Steve Cook and Wes Fogden were probably the go to players before Fogden left, but Smith is more used to playing there and I am keen to see him get a chance this season.
Adam Smith is no stranger to the Championship having
played at Leeds Utd, Millwall and Derby Co.

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