
Thursday 27 March 2014

Cherry Chimes chats to Often Partisan

Match Preview
Birmingham V AFCB
Blogger Interview - Often Partisan

Cherry Chimes talks to Daniel (Aka  Almajir) Often Partisan about the situation at St Andrews and the impact that Carsten Yeung is still having on his team thousands of miles away. This has not been a great season for Birmingham, but under Lee Clark they have shown great togetherness and under what must be mounting pressure Lee has been steadying the ship towards safety, so AFCB will have to be at their best to get anything at Birmingham's ground. This interview took place pre-Birmingham's mid-week 2-3 away win against Millwall.

CC: Are you fed up with the Carson Yeung saga?

OP: I think most of us are - the time has long gone when BIH need to sell the club and it can't come soon enough.

CC: Lee Clark has had it pretty tough at Birmingham since he arrived hasn't he - no money to spend and financial worries hanging over the club - can he really say he is able to do a good job?

OP: It's a tough one. There is no doubt he is working to constraints but his erratic team selections aren't helping him.

CC: Do you hope that all ties with Carson Yeung are severed now - his brother is still on the board isn't he?

OP: Until he sells his shareholding they won't be - his brother in law is on the board along with his son on the football club board.

CC: Blackpool and Chartlon are the only wins you have had so far in 2014 so do you think the fans and players are in need of a lift?

OP: Absolutely - we've not won at home since October 1. This season hasn't been pleasant at all.

CC: What did you make of the referee mocking claims Lee Clark said James Linington made against Paul Robinson in the Birmingham v Burnley match and the Macheda handball dispute - "good dialogue" being the official verdict of the club now to the ref's actions?

OP: I don't think Macheda touched it with his arm, it looked like his chest to me. As for the ref mocking Robbo... that was just the icing on a poor performance from the ref - and it's not the first poor ref we've had this season. The standard of officiating this season has been very poor overall.

CC: Have you seen Lovenkrands playing enough this season he always looked a good player to me?

OP: I don't think he's close to good enough any more - he was made available on a free at the start of the season and the fact no one wants him even for nothing speaks volumes.

CC: Has Zigic been a disappointment this season?

OP: He has - but he's getting old and he's injury prone. It's been a big decline for him - mirroring the club in truth.

CC: Will you just be pleased to get this season over and finish where you are now around 19th?

OP: Absolutely- although without investment I fear for us next year.

CC: What went wrong with the Sheffield Wednesday defeat?

OP: I wasn't there so it's difficult for me to say but Clark was honest enough to say the players were off the pace. I think the formation was wrong too though.

CC: What is St Andrews like for visiting fans - I'm coming by train so I hope it is easy to get from New Street to St Andrews?

OP: It's not the fortress it once was. It's a fair old walk from new street - allow yourself twenty minutes at least. I wouldn't recommend drinking around the ground - maybe get a jar or two in town before heading to the ground.

CC: How do you think Lee Clark will set the team up against Bournemouth?

OP: With Lancelot and set of balls number three. No joke, he's impossible to second guess - it's become a standing joke.

CC: I am so glad that Often Partisan has not lost his sense of humour. While every team sets out with high hopes at the start of the season there can only be a few winners and when your club is saddled with off the pitch problems it makes the whole job so much more difficult. Birmingham though are a big club and their fans expect to see big performances by talented players. My only hope is that they can save that for the next game. St Andrews may not seem like a fortress to Birmingham any more, but to AFCB and our players to play in such a stadium is wonderful and we take it as a challenge to be embraced.

To read more on Birmingham City and what has been happening on and off the field for them take a short trip to Daniel's Often Partisan blog for a good read.

You can relive the best moments of Cherries big win against Leed Utd by tuning into the All Departments' podcast that Michael Dunne has produced. Just visit All Departments website or scroll down the right hand panel on Cherry Chimes until you come to the All Departments' sound bar and click on that for some Kangaroo Court. I wonder who may get a few mentions, Mr Rantie by any chance?


  1. living in Dorset myself its great seeing the cherries do so well, however as a proud brummie I hope you guys slip up and we end up doing the double over you !!!

  2. Support your team and let the best one win on the day - that's what it's all about. Thanks for commenting.

  3. Daniel (Aka Almajir) sounds like a typical deluded supporter who's never played the game in his life.
    As a birmingham fan home and away, I can say Lee Clark is doing a fantastic job. It's hard to name the same xi week in week out when he has a squad of teenagers and terrible injury issues. Our fans need to realise, we should be in a lot worse league position than clark has allowed us.

