
Wednesday 9 April 2014

"There's more to come from this team," says Eddie

Ritchie bags two more goals against Reading last
 night as Bournemouth climb within two points of sixth place.
What has this team got that the other Championship teams are struggling to deal with? I think it's a real combination of things which have transformed the Cherries into a bit of a giant. The players are no longer seeing a team in front of them who can do them harm but are playing to their strengths and letting the opposition worry about them. They are creating so many chances that there is also a feeling of we can score at least one more than however many you can score. It's not a gung-ho style because the back four are very much aware of how important clean sheets can be.

So when Eddie Howe says "there is more to come from this team," what can we expect? I already can see that there is more movement up front than in any other Bournemouth team in the last few years and set-plays are actually becoming a valuable asset to the team, which has been unheard of in recent seasons. Getting even better though will only come with playing more games and this team has had quite a few new recruits this year with Camp, Kermorgant and Fraser not having played much or in some cases any part in last seasons promotion run. 
Yann stooped in with a great header last night to add
Bournemouth's third goal in a 3-1 win against Reading.
The speed in which Lee Camp and Yann Kermorgant have fitted in is remarkable. Yes, they are very experienced players, but other teams have added players since January and not had anywhere near as big an impact as Bournemouth's additions. I loved the way that even Nigel Adkins said he loved the way Bournemouth are playing and that they are a pleasure to watch. He may not have enjoyed Tuesday's game too much but there is no doubt that the Cherries are pleasing on the eye.

They said during the FA Cup game that Bournemouth were perhaps too nice to win games against the big clubs. It was shouted down quite rightly by Brendan Rodgers. Nice guys like Eddie Howe can be winners and his team's attractive football has an added bite to it now and the jaws and teeth look like they are getting bigger still.

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