
Saturday 17 May 2014

Football is an addiction for Eddie and many others

The summer months may mean no Championship football for AFCB but Eddie Howe is certainly not taking a rest. It will be the busiest time of the year in many ways and I wonder if his family ever get a rest from the football clock. If you read the last Match Day programme against Nottingham Forest, which had the Ask Eddie feature in it, there was a very apt question put to Eddie by Paul Longhurst about what had surprised Eddie about being a manager? It wasn't the work load or the frustration of being on the sidelines, but simply the addiction that he now has for the game.
Eddie has the addiction to footie, do you?
In many ways I can sympathise with Eddie about his addiction to the great game as I am sure many of you can too. For me, Cherry Chimes has become a bigger part of my life than I had ever expected and I hope you all continue to like reading my views while the blog continues on its merry way. But the game takes on new meaning when you have a connection with it in checking on the performance of players, yesterday's results and forthcoming fixtures. As a reporter, we can switch off now and again when the opportunity arises but for a club manager there simply is no break.

I don't quite find as many days when I can switch off as I used to now and the prospect of never stopping thinking about the game and the goings on at AFCB gradually creep up on you. Once hooked though it is hard to let go and that is what makes me have the utmost respect for Eddie Howe, because he did give it up once for a new challenge at Burnley and found that things were perhaps not quite the same. Long may he be addicted to the AFCB hot seat, because I can't think of a single manager that could d a better job with the squad of players that we have at the club. UTCIAD!  

As a novice football addict myself I have not been sitting doing nothing as we have a World Cup around the corner. I am already getting up to speed now that the FA Cup means the end of our domestic season. You too can find out which blogs are top of the league when it comes to the World Cup if you take a look at World Cup Chimes where you will see the Samba beat has already taken hold.

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