
Friday 13 June 2014

Let's hope the Cherries don't pay over the top for new signings

The basis of a very good Championship team is already in place at Dean Court. This week we have heard that the Cherries have made a second and still unsuccessful bid for Coventry's Callum Wilson who had a good year in League One last time around, but is untested at the higher Championship level. If Coventry stick to their guns and have put a high price-tag on the young striker I would hope that AFCB do not go and pay over the odds for his services. It is not that I don't rate the young striker, but if there are other potential forwards who can do as well or if not better then the Cherries have no need to throw more money at the League One side.

The problem is usually that there are not many strikers that are considered right for the task and that is why there are at least three clubs said to chasing the Coventry City lad. No matter how well the Cherries did last season it was a blow to lose Lewis Grabban over the summer. Eddie Howe would have been pleased to have kept him for longer, but if Callum Wilson is seen as a replacement then AFCB are looking for a player that is less experienced and not quite a like-for-like replacement. I believe it is the style of play that is the important thing for Eddie Howe and he wants another striker who stretches defences like Grabban did.

There is time to bring in another quality striker and if AFCB thought that by going down a league to purchase a player would mean a lower price to pay, they have not yet succeeded in their aim. It is funny how Lewis Grabban's release cause seemed to be leaked and yet AFCB are having to creep towards an acceptable figure with new bids if they want to talk to Callum Wilson. If Wilson wants a move no doubt his agent will be very talkative, but if he is happy at Coventry then he will have shown good loyalty to his club. The coming days will no doubt decide if the Cherries have simply set their stall out to capture the young man at significant cost if need be. As fans we just have to wait and see.

World Cup Chimes' story today is 'spray it on' - any ideas what it's about? Find out at World Cup Chimes. Kyle Cotter has also asked to write some World Cup stories and will be featured as Kyle's World Cup watch. As I have far too much on my hands, Kyle will monitor Group's A, B and C with the hosts Brazil, World Cup holders Spain and Group C will hold England's 2nd round opponents if they get that far. Kyle starts with a preview of Chile v Australia.

World Cup viewing

De Vere's Urban Village Hotel in Bournemouth are sponsors of Cherry Chimes and are getting ready for England's first game. 

Next Carnival Day Saturday 14th June England v Italy
- Live DJ, Brazilian Carnival Dancers & children’s face painting.
- Entertainment commencing from 19.00, kick off at 23.00

Food service extension
- The Victory will be serving food until 22.00 for the entire duration of the world cup with the exception of England’s first game (Saturday 14th June) which will be until 23.00.

Download the complete game planner for the Victory pub and kitchen.


  1. Has lightning pace and you have to bear in mind Callum scored 21 goals despite spending 2 months on the side lines. More than worth the figure being quoted for him

  2. As a Coventry fan I think he worth at least £5m, he is only 22, has electric pace and knows where the net is. He will play in the prem in the future and then be worth even more.

  3. Whatever Bournemouth is offering Coventry it is not enough! Coventry don't want to sell him and are not simply playing hard to get. City want to build their team around him and I believe he is and will be a better player than Grabban.

    Coventry will only even think about selling him if they are offered crazy money. It is reported that the Cherries have offered £1 million. You would have to offer three times that and then some. I don't think you can afford him, so I would look else where. Callum will probably end up in the Premiership and he will be worth a lot more money than Bournemouth can afford!

