
Friday 18 July 2014

No new defenders needed - Cargill in line for a spot

I was pleased to find out that Baily Cargill just may have his chance to stake a claim for a first team spot this coming season, as reported by the Bournemouth Echo. The 19-year-old will be the youngest player if he can make it into the first team for the Huddersfield match which is just a few weeks away now. Baily's chance comes after news that Stephane Zubar is to try out at Cambridge Utd on loan in league two. 

It is important that AFCB's Development squad players can progress to the senior squad and Eddie Howe is encouraging other players to make the jump in the coming months. With Cargill's promotion it would seem that Howe is not looking to find another central defender to come in this transfer window leaving him with Elphick, Cook and Ward as the main contenders for starting positions along with Baily Cargill. Whether Joe Partington and Miles Addison go out on load is yet to be made clear.

While Zubar still has a year left on his contract at AFCB it seems unlikely that we will see him play very much more in AFCB colours. Stephane has not been lucky with injuries and by moving to Cambridge Utd on loan he would get plenty of games under his belt perhaps to launch his career again.

The squad is still fairly big at AFCB and while others are keen to fight for a place in the team I expect the club to encourage a few others to go out on loan before the first week in August so that they can reduce the wages. For Cargill though the future looks bright.

1 comment:

  1. Like you, I'm highly delighted for Baily, he's one of several who I feel could, no should, see themselves at least making the bench several times this season. If they're good enough, they're old enough, and I'm sure Eddie wouldn't ask more than he knew they were capable of, look at Ryan as a prime example, only 18 when he was making our 1st team, and how good was he last season!!
    As for the squad as a whole, as you rightly say, we're top heavy, but it only goes to prove how much damage was done before Eddie came back home, but then, we din't need telling, it was there for a blind man to see. There are quite a few I'd ship out, they quite simply are not the quality we're looking for any more, we've moved on a pace, and sadly for them, they're left behind by the rest. But as Eddie is finding, moving them on is not as easy as I'm sure he'd like.
    Whilst on the subject of the younger lads getting their chance, I think Buchel deserves his as well, he seems to of done well, and I'd like to see him as understudy to Camp....

