
Monday 4 August 2014

Fans' forum should be all smiles for AFCB

I'm sure fans will still find something to complain about
maybe prices, but that comes with success.
I always used to wonder what bad news would surface at the AFCB fans' forum every year not because the club necessarily because their were skeleton's in the cupboard, but more for the defensive position that chairmen and managers often found themselves in. Difficult times always seemed to be just around the corner for fans of the Cherries, but it is not like that anymore. There are no more falling attendances, few complaints about the match day experience, no more questioning about the club's ambition or its strong participation in the local community. AFCB has transformed itself into a Championship outfit where development is on going in every corner where you care to look. As such the fans' forum tomorrow on 5 August is a time when we can reflect as well as look forward with great anticipation at what the future holds.

That does not mean that the question's won't keep coming but I hope that they are different ones and positive in outlook as there is much to be positive about. We have an owner who is willing to back the manager with superb finances and a manager who the fans adore and he has a squad that is arguably one of the best to ever wear the treasured red and black attire. But before we can sit back and say it's a job well done there are improvements that are needed on all sides. 

The club will want us to roar ever louder on match days as it seeks more supporters and it will want us to spend more and go to more matches, while we will demand more in return in the way of results and players. While everything may not go as smoothly as it seems to have done in the past couple of years from the outside, I have no doubt that those pushing the club to higher levels are not yet content. There is still much to strive for and difficult times may hinder the rate of progress, but AFCB is a club that is looking to go forward and can create new aims now that would have been unthinkable in the past. Moreover, as long as the lines of communication between the club and the fans remain open and freely expressed everyone can continue to believe that 'anything is possible'. UTCIAD!
I'm with those that have plenty to smile about.
The Fan's Forum is being held at the Top Floor Restaurant, between 7-8pm, at the Goldsands stadium on 5 August - live coverage is on BBC Solent 96.1 FM and Cherries Player.

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