
Wednesday 13 August 2014

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star - Chimes talks to Junior Stanislas

By all accounts, Junior Stanislas had a great game last night against Exeter City and really showed that he can be one of the players that helps AFCB reach the next level up the football pyramid. Just before the start of the 2014/15 season Cherry Chimes was luckily able to put some questions to Junior Stanislas via the club and Junior kindly accepted the invitation for an interview. What follows is a short transcript of the taped conversation. Cherry Chimes would like to thank AFC Bournemouth and Max Fitzgerald in particular at the club for making the interview possible as well Junior of course. Good luck for the season Junior!
Junior Stanislas playing at Oxford Utd pre-season Picture: taken by Steve Cook
CC: How are you finding life in the town of Bournemouth this summer and have you had much chance to get a feel for the place?

"Yeah. It's been good. Obviously it's a good time to move here with the weather and all that. It's a lot sunnier than up north. The boys and the manager are really good so it's been easy to settle in really."

CC: Can you explain some of the things Eddie Howe said to you that helped convince you to come to AFC Bournemouth?

"Not to much really. Just the fact that he obviously wanted me to come down was enough for me as I've worked with him before and he's a great coach and a good guy as well. You know, you can talk to him on the field about football ... talk about family and other stuff as well. So it didn't take much convincing to be honest."

CC: Do you see many similarities between the clubs of AFCB and Burnley even though one is now in the Premier League?

"May be a little bit. In terms of ... obviously, it was the same manager at this club and that club when Eddie was there and in terms of the philosophy, and the way to play football, ...yeah. And they are also like small towns really, so everyone is Bournemouth-based n Bournemouth and it's the same with Burnley. In Burnley all the people are for Burnley, if you like [ie just have one team to support in the town].

"The clubs are probably slightly different on the whole though. There are probably pros and cons to both I suppose, but I think they are slightly different. Traditionally Burnley is probably a bigger club. It's just got back to the top flight and it's obviously been there before. Bournemouth is a rising building club and obviously that is the aim and ambition this season to get there."

CC: You have been coached by both Sean Dyche and Eddie Howe and we wondered if their training methods are very different?

"They are quite different but the philosophy is to move the ball and play a nice game and keep hold of the ball for a lot of the time. Burnley still want to pass the ball but it's slightly more direct in terms of, they will get the ball forward quickly and try and build from there. So yeah, as a rule of thumb here we like to build up more and play a nicer game if you like."

CC: Does that help your game more?

"Yeah, definitely. I always like to think of myself as a player who plays football by passing the ball and I try and get on the ball and create chances for other players and score goals myself. And with the type of players we have here in the squad, we've got similar players all around the field to myself that like to do those things, so that will help my game as well."

CC: How have the games gone for you in pre-season - any niggles, pleased with your performances and the amount of time you have had on the pitch?

"Pre-season has been good. A couple of days here and there have been frustrating where I have had little knocks. A back injury and my hamstring have kept me out of one or two games that I would have liked to play in to get more fitness, but apart from that it's been really good. We've worked hard and the games I have played in have been good I feel and there's definitely things to build on and take into the season."

CC: What do you like to do when you are not playing football?

"At the minute I have been playing a lot of Playstation with Callum [Wilson] as we have been in the hotel together. So that's been keeping me occupied and other than that obviously when the family move down it is more family orientated. I have twins and they and the misses will be coming down next week. So it will be more beach with them and doing family activities.

"The house is sorted so we'll be moving in next week so that should be good."
Junior Stanislas takes on a defender. Picture: Taken by Steve Cook
CC: Did you have to do an initiation song in Austria and if so what did you sing?

"I did have to perform a song which didn't go down too well with the boys. It's my go too song nursery rhyme that I sing to the kids all the time (lots of laughter) - it's Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star - which went down like a lead balloon, so I ended up having to pay money into the pot for that as well."

CC: What is your favourite food and have any of the other lads cooked for you yet or are their kitchen skills pretty poor?

"No, we don't tend to cook together to be fair. My favourite food is emm! [he ponders a while]

Well, we are usually eating in the hotel or going into town to get some food. Me and Callum anyway - always me and Cal. Favourite food - I'd probably say chicken and rice. [staple footballer food then]"

CC: Have you been involved in a good cup run yet at your other clubs and have you scored any great goals in the FA Cup or the League Cup - and if so which was the best that recall?

"Not really, no. I think the furthest I have ever got in the cup is probably.. Oh, actually I have to be honest. We got to the semi-finals of the Carling Cup when I was at West Ham. I missed the semi-finals through injury. I played in a few of the previous rounds so that was good, but I was a bit young you know."

CC: If you were not a footballer what might you have been?

"No idea, I'm not sure. Obviously now that I play football that I'd be a coach but I'm not sure. Something football orientated. But life could have gone a completely different way."

CC: Finally, thanks for coming on Cherry Chimes Junior. We are excited about the new season just as you are and we hope to see you in action in as many games as possible this coming season. I guess every one knows about your song repertoire now (sorry), but if you score a hat-full of goals this season I think we'll all be singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," especially if the Cherries end up in the Premier League.

See Junior's free kick against Oxford Utd in pre-season. Other AFCB YouTube clips also on here.

Also, well done to the Development squad who won 10-1 against Brentford yesterday - incredible!

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