
Monday 15 September 2014

Cook expects AFCB to bounce back against Leeds

One fan turned round to me after Steve Cook scored in the Rotherham game and said core how long has it been since Steve Cook has scored? I laughed a bit and said "oh, recently - the Blackburn game!" I guess because AFCB had lost the game up in Lancaster that memories soon fade as to precise goalscorers and it's easy to block out matches that were not wins.

Still you can't knock Steve Cook's ability to get on the end of crosses. I had not even had a chance to say who will be AFCB's first defender to score this season as Steve is up an running on two and a major way to reaching his target this season he says. "I've worked hard on that part of my game. Obviously, it proves that goals are important from defenders in the modern game and it's nice to chip in," added Steve. "I've got two so far and I've got a target and I'm not far off it so hopefully I can get there by Christmas and kick on a little bit more."
Leeds is a must win game for Cook.
It was also clear that Steve Cook believes Leeds Utd will play in a similar way to Rotherham by getting players behind the ball. "A lot of teams play like Rotherham did today and not a lot of teams play the way we do. So we're expecting another battle.[Leeds Utd] They're a team in transition and we need to be winning Tuesday. It's a must win game for us," Steve said.

The players at AFCB know that it is up to them to make the passes that break down such defensive displays and if it means doing the unusual now and again with Steve Cook staying up for a while after a corner or filling in while Eunan O'Kane goes on a run at goal then I'd like to see a bit more of it. The slow passing seems to have taken over AFCB's games and to see a player go on a dribble or try to spring a quick long pass every now and again should not be frowned upon but explored. I think sometimes the players get stuck into always trying to play the correct way and the opposition simply knows what is coming. A bit of variety would not hurt and I expect to see a bit more of an attacking start to Tuesday night's game. UTCIAD!
Steve Cook is the man to pop up with surprise goals.

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