
Tuesday 30 December 2014

Penalties are no problem for Yann

I was not at all worried when Yann Kermorgant decided that the penalty at Millwall was his responsibility. AFCB have profited from a few penalty decisions this season but have not always converted as many as perhaps they should. The fact that the team gets so many spot kicks though has to be down to the way they attack teams in the last third with their pace. Charlie Daniels took on the role that Marc Pugh usually undertakes in trying to get in front of his man when making the cross and while AFCB were lucky to get a penalty, Charlie certainly committed his man into a rash challenge.
Yann takes care practising his spot kicks.
The need for Yann to score though was a really big moment in the game. Had he missed I fear Yann's confidence would have fallen away. But he didn't just score, he thumped his shot into the bottom left corner and the despairing dive of David Forde was never going to be enough to keep the ball out.

Having scored though I don't feel that Yann went on to have one of his best games. The pace of play might have seemed a bit quick for him and I just wonder if having missed a few games he is in need of a few games to get his sharpness back. I don't recall a significant chance other than a free kick and the penalty falling to Yann, and I can see that Eddie Howe has a tough decision at the moment who to play alongside Callum Wilson, who also will be keen to get a goal soon.

If Eddie needs a deciding factor though when choosing between the number 10 and 18 he can look to the free kicks and penalties, and on that score I would say that Yann has the slight edge. I still want to see more from Kermorgant though as he still has not quite hit the form we know he can. Perhaps January will be his month.
Yann warms up at Millwall.
All Departments has released a Festive Cheer Podcast reviewing the Fulham and Millwall matches. Just go to the All Departments' website or scroll down the right side panel on Cherry chimes until you cone to the sound bar and click on it to listen in.

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