
Monday 22 December 2014

Ritchie casts a spell on the ball

The win against Blackpool might not have come so easy if Matt Ritchie has not seen his 18th minute goal squirm over the line. While Joe Lewis will be disappointed to have beaten like that it was viewed as one of the strangest goals of the 50 that AFCB have scored in the league this season.
Ritchie can't stop scoring.
So often we have heard the screams of shoot, shoot when an AFCB players nears the box and in Matt Ritchie's case it is more frequent than most as fans know that he well let loose with a shot when he has more than a 50:50 per cent chance of getting the shot on target. It does not matter how they go in as long as they fully cross that goal line and Matt has a habit of hitting shots early that often catch keepers out. This one was something of a bewitched shot which you would have thought would be well covered by the keeper and even when the ball slipped into the net there were not many fans who really believed that it might be a goal at first.

Such a tame start to the game set the platform for AFCB's big win. Sometimes luck goes with teams that are playing well and for Blackpool it turned out to be the kind of goal that only heaped more pressure on them. If we were a little perplexed with Ritchie's first goal of the game there was no such questions about his second strike that registered as he curled in an absolute beauty. It was perhaps a shame that he did not go on to get his third, but I am sure Matt will just be pleased that the team won and that he contributed in that. Now on six goals for the season, Matt is becoming a marksman that other teams will start to worry about now.

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