
Tuesday 2 December 2014

Surman is the pick of the crop

Andrew Surman is getting stronger and stronger these days. His performance against Millwall was the best in the team for me as he was the one biting away at the Lion's midfield and pinching possession on numerous occasions for AFCB. He has added the kind of steel to his game that has been lacking at times and his passion to win back the ball is providing lots of chance for the Cherries to set up attacks.

Andrew Surman has been inspiring this season.
The first goal against Millwall was very much Surman's creation. He measured his cross well for Steve Cook to bury. having first flicked it over Ed Upson to set up the inviting cross. Surman knows Arter's game really well now and the two of them have managed to keep Gosling and O'Kane out of the starting line up for a prolonged period of games. While that may change at some point in teh near future, I believe AFCB's unbeaten run is in a large part due to the solidity that Arter and Surman provide in midfield and it was a surprise to see Harry Arter come off the pitch.

Surman's best work is undoubtedly done in the last third of the pitch and as the game against Millwall went on I felt that the team was not able to find him as often in advance positions. It is Surman's job to craft ways through in and around the box for runners, and AFCB need to keep finding him when they are trying to keep momentum going forward. UTCIAD!

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