
Friday 30 January 2015

Are AFCB ready to put down a marker?

We have seen the Cherry climb to the top of the Championship and dish out some big scores against some of the struggling sides along the way, but beating the best sides is what is called for now. They don't come much tougher than Watford and this time they have Troy Deeney fit and able to play. AFCB's players will know of the danger that this Watford side possesses and yet if the league leaders can put down a marker now the rest of the teams in the Championship will be even more cautious when coming to Dean Court.
This match will really show if AFCB are likely to stay around the top for
a while or about to vacate the position.
A decisive win for either side is going to really be noticed. AFCB have not been in great form and they are in need of a boost. It might have been helpful if a new player had been signed this transfer window already, but the Cherries have not been in a position to do that. Watford have been recruiting though and I believe such matters do help the belief that a side is moving forward. Whether the Cherries need extra help at this stage is only something that Eddie Howe and Jason Tindall will really know. 

Going forward with what he has may still be the best option for Howe though if AFCB can just start to get a few big results. The defeats against Norwich and Leeds did not do as much damage as they might have done and to be honest AFCB must be pleased to still be leading the Championship. This game though is a real challenge to AFCB's credentials at the top. Two home defeats and three league defeats in a row will not sit happy with anyone at this crucial time and the message has to be that a win here reasserts the Cherries' prospects and gives them time to be positive ahead of the next two games, which will be no less pressurised. But this match against Watford is a defining moment in the Cherries season. 

Eddie Howe has been consistent with the teams he has played in the league of late, but I am hoping that he has some special plan for Watford. They will not be dominated easily and being prepared for an end to end game is likely to make this a great game to watch. One team can really land a big knockout blow tonight. Opening up a bigger gap on Watford again could just take some of the wind out of their lungs for their next few games. AFCB are at home. They have to make that advantage count or all the chasing teams will feel that the Cherries are running out of steam if they fall to a fourth home defeat. Wins are really massive now.

See you there tonight!

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