
Thursday 29 January 2015

Eunan O'Kane could still be the ace up AFCB's sleeve

I was really pleased to see Eunan O'Kane get a good game under his belt at Aston Villa. He has not featured nearly as much as last season and yet he has the talent to lift AFCB at times. I have missed his strong runs from midfield and his vision for goal. It just maybe that Eddie Howe has to try and find a way of getting the Irishman into the side in the crucial games against some of the top six, and if he does so I'll be pleased to see Eunan driving forward.
Eunan takes on Yann during the warm up at Villa Park.
There has been a move to play Eunan more as a defensive midfielder from the middle of last season, but he has lots of assets going forward as well. AFCB don't play a five man midfield very often now and because of their success as a 4-4-1-1 side they have not needed as much protection in front of the back four which has been a bit unfortunate for Eunan.
Eunan lines up a shot.
I still think he can do a powerful job in the centre of the park though, driving at teams and making important runs that split defences. I look back to the way he played against West Brom and Aston Villa and am starting to think that he is a player for the big games. That may be something that Howe thinks on now as we have some crucial fixtures coming up against Watford and Derby. The head injury may not give Eunan an immediate chance to oust any of the regular starters, but I would like to see him used more from the bench now, and would not be surprised if he could find himself playing more games as the season takes its toll on those who have been putting in a lot of work on the field.

Dan Golsing is out for a bit perhaps and that just might give Eunan the opportunity to stake a claim if he can get on from the bench.

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