
Wednesday 21 January 2015

Out thought by Redfearn?

It was clear from the start that Leeds were up for this game. Neil Redfearn had warned before the match that AFCB were due a defeat and that is what duly happened. Leeds had already got a win down at Dean Court and they know how to make a battle for everything when they meet the Cherries.

Neil Redfearn set Leeds up with a strong midfield that often left three against two we were told by Kris Temple and Willo at BBC Radio Solent. It was a night when AFCB needed to be right at it and it sounded like Matt Ritchie, for one, was off his game and hardly got a touch in the first half.
The Cherries were confident going into the Leeds match
but lost the battle in the first half hour according to Eddie Howe.
Tactics were certainly not going well for AFCB in the first half, but Eddie Howe dismissed thoughts of the Cherries not having the right system on the night. It was more of a physical and passing weakness that he was disappointed with in the first half. Leeds organised themselves well though and got back into their shape quickly, and that did not allow Pugh and Ritchie to have as much influence as usual, while Francis and Daniels did not seem to have the freedom to get in as many crosses as AFCB teams are used to feeding off. 

We have to remember that Leeds needed those points really badly and by getting a win against the league leaders they can then see a brighter future. It was a big ambition for them to win that match and their desire helped them cling on to the goal lead. It took a lot of effort on their part and it is a shame that they seem to keep some of their best performances for AFCB.

To see Harry Arter also come off is perhaps more a sign of things not going quite right. Harry is the engine room and for him to need a breather is unusual even though I expect he would have preferred to stay on. But Eddie was pleased when Dan Golsing, Yann Kermorgant and Junior Stanislas came on as it did lift the team, sadly just not enough for them to get a goal.

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