
Wednesday 4 March 2015

Former AFCB skipper Matt Holland rides for Men Utd

You may have already caught news of this over the social media networks or on the radio but Matt Holland, one of our ex-AFC Bournemouth players and former captain, is doing a bike ride from London to Amsterdam to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK’s Men United campaign.

The charity has put together a piece on it in which Matt also talks about Bournemouth’s brilliant season so far and I thought that some of you might like to donate and to hear what Matt has to say on AFC Bournemouth's season. Hopefully he will continue to fly the flag for the reds, although I expect he'll also want Ipswich Town to go up as well this season!

Some of the Ipswich fans are cycling the 150 mile journey as well. Just click on this link to find out how Matt is looking forward to his challenge.

You can also check any worries you have about Prostate Cancer on the site and can find out how you can support the good cause. 

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