
Monday 16 March 2015

Strikers need goals and Wilson is heading towards 20

Callum Wilson has carried a pretty heavyweight this season in leading the line for the Cherries in his first Championship season. As he looks back on his goal count of 19 for the season so far he can't be too upset with that and while the goals have been hard to come by of late, Eddie Howe has never doubted the contribution of Bournemouth's goal machine.
Callum always wants to score.

Come the end of the season there won't be many fans who would suggest that AFCB could have had such a powerful season without Callum Wilson. He is undoubtedly the best bit of business that the club has made in recent seasons and has fitted in so well to this team when it could have been difficult to have left Coventry City and have made such an impact at his new club. The Cherries do try very hard to make players fit in though and to ensure they are happy in every side of their lives so that they can have every chance to play at their best on the field. While Callum is still young and has more experienced strikers around him at AFCB he is happy to take on the mantle of being the top scorer and that was demonstrated against Blackpool.
The most fearsome name on AFCB's team sheet at the moment - Brett Pitman.
Brett Pitman had every right to want to take the penalty that Marc Pugh won and no one would have said anything if he had taken it as the designated penalty taker, but Brett could see that Callum really needed a goal. That was big of Brett, but if Callum had missed it would have been hard for Callum knowing that Brett could have scored, so I was delighted that the ball went in. There does seem to be a rush for the ball these days when AFCB win a penalty and it is just great to know that the team has plenty of confident players that are willing to score from the spot. Now that Callum is on 19 goals, it will be interesting to see if AFCB win a penalty at Cardiff who will take it, because I bet Callum wants that 20th goal as soon as possible.

All Departments has released its 100th  podcast a review the win against Blackpool at the weekend. Either visit the All Departments' website or scroll down the right side panel on Cherry Chimes to the All Departments' logo and click on the sound bar to listen.

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