
Wednesday 15 April 2015

Mutual love from players and crowd for AFCB (video)

There were some tremendous scenes at the end of the game at Reading. The players had given heart and soul to earn the win and to hold on for such a long time against a very busy team was difficult to say the least, but AFCB's players got through it and the fans might not have enjoyed the whole 90 minutes, but when that final whistle went it was the best feeling ever!
High fives for a good win away from home.
I was really pleased to see so many AFCB fans at the game. There were balloons drifting down from the start and it was a great atmosphere for the team to play in front of. The fans did not want anything but a win and they were prepared to carry the team safely to victory. Eddie Howe was not short of praise for his players and nor should he be, as it was as good a 0-1 victory as any of the thumping wins that the team has had this season as winning is vital now. 

AFCB players celebrate and applaud their supporters.

I tried to soak up some of those last minutes after the whistle with the team coming over in front of the 4259 away supporters and even Eddie Howe admitted that it was emotional. It is good to know that he and the players feel the passion and the love of the supporters and that both parties are willing each other on to create history for the club. I guess this will have been the last time for some supporters to see the team at an away game as there are only 2900 tickets for the Charlton match, and I think that is also why the team made a special round of applause for everyone who had made the journey on a Tuesday night knowing that most would not be tucked up in bed until the early hours of the morning.

I'm not telling you how late this is now, when I am writing these words, but even I had better turn in now or it won't be worth going to bed. UTCIAD! 

Check out more photos from our Match Day Gallery.

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