
Wednesday 8 April 2015

Queue for Charlton, whatever next?

Like many AFCB fans I knew that I would have t get down to the Goldsands pretty early on Monday if I was to be in with a reasonable chance of picking up any tickets for the last game of the season against Charlton. I had been a bit worried when I saw people on social media keep talking about the tickets and the allocation of 2900 seats, which was pretty small for such an important game for fans of the Cherries.
Someone had to be at the front.
Happy campers.
At least a few footballs were out and some hot chocolate.
Knowing that season ticket holders would be down at the crack of dawn to start queueing for a 9am start was not that helpful when you are located 110 miles away in leafy Surrey, but I got the boys up at 6am and travelled down beating the East Monday build up of traffic in hope and anticipation of a lengthy queue ahead of us when we reached Dean Court. First impressions were good when I could not see anyone near the Ted MacDougall stand but as I rounded the corner to the Main reception and Main stand I could soon see the sleeping bags and tents of those keen enough to camp out and a row of chairs for those who knew they were in for a long wait.

Let's take a walk.

Pack of cards anyone?
Hello Damien, was it worth getting up at 4am?
This way - you're not at the back yet.

Anyone got a spare chair?
Is this queue going to start moving soon?
While I met up with some of my friends and had a quick word I was soon chasing the snake of fans down the East stand and to the start of the Wall of Fame where I began chatting to other fans who had arrived at about 8.30am. We were soon pretty anxious to see whether our efforts were to be rewarded or not and it took a long time for the queue to start moving, but sure enough we managed to get into the sun and started to see a bit of movement. Four hours later we got our hands on the much desired tickets and I had no need to wonder how to kill time before the game as there was not much time to go. I was pleased to hear that all those who were in the queue managed to get a ticket, but perhaps some of you did not get lucky on the phone or were turned away and not allowed to join the queue late on.
Stephen and Robert decide they have plenty of time before strolling up to join me.
Yesterday, I read on the Charlton official website that they have restricted the sale of home tickets for the match against AFCB, fearing that fans of the Cherries will try and buy tickets in the Charlton end of the ground with the Cherries having sold their total allocation of 2900 tickets. The demand for this game is extremely high and it is a shame that AFCB have not been given as many tickets as they had for the FA Cup tie against Aston Villa. 

Well done for all those who got down before me and if you had a longer trip to the ground. I hope you all got a ticket. I am now praying that we don't end up in the play-offs and draw Brentford as I can see this happening all over again in that case!

Make sure you have a read of my 'Easter Monday round up and defining games' now on the Championship Run-in tab.

All Departments has released a double bill Easter special podcast, Good Friday - Happy Mondays, covering the Ipswich and Birmingham games and you can listen to the recording by visiting the All Departments' website or by scrolling down the right hand panel on Cherry Chimes until you get to the All departments' sound bar and click on it.

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