
Friday 24 April 2015

Tommy Elphick's captaincy has been a tower of strength

You can't help but checking out Tommy Elphick's reaction whenever AFCB either concede or score a goal. He is the motivator without doubt in this team and he is always first to belt out exactly what he is feeling when words need to be said. There were a few words said on Saturday but it just shows how much he wants to win.
Tommy has the fire in his belly to be a winner.
I believe that this team has more players that are winners and are driven by being winners than any side I have seen over the years at Dean Court. They simply don't like being second best and even if they finish second in this league I bet there will be several of them, including Tommy Elphick, who will come out and say - we should have done better! But such enthusiasm to be first is no bad thing. It is not that the players are afraid of failing, but they see that they have come through the divisions and beaten the big names on their way up and now have the capacity to finish top of the pile.

It can only be a help to players to see Tommy Elphick not only giving them confidence with his words but also doing his bit on the field. There were a couple of examples of it last Saturday when he put in a well-timed tackle on Chris Maguie. Even better was his heroics on the line to stop an early chance from Kieran Lee. Tommy shouldn't want this season to end the way he is playing and he certainly will want everything from his team-mates in the remaining fixtures.

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