
Friday 3 July 2015

Chimes' first summer signing - Broomhill Garden Buildings

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It is not everyday that Cherry Chimes makes a signing but if you have been watching the blog carefully I am hoping that you have seen a couple of new adverts on the site. The local Broomhill Garden Buildings who are also sponsors of AFC Bournemouth's Family Stand have signed up to feature their sheds, summerhouses, conservatories, doors and windows on Cherry Chimes. Their double adverts will continually stream on the site and if you click on them they will take you through to the featured websites of the company where you can order goods from them.

Martin looks on at the last game of last season at The Valley.
Now many of you might not know much about Broomhill Garden Buildings or Martin Penny who is the owner and an avid AFC Bournemouth fan. In order for you to get to know a little more about him and what you might be able to see if you visit his showroom, I asked Martin a few questions about his two favourite subjects - AFC Bournemouth and garden buildings!

CC: How many of the staff at Broomhill Garden Buildings are AFC Bournemouth fans and do any of them support other football clubs?

BHG: Strangely enough there aren't too many football fans working for me at Broomhill. One of my sales staff is a life-long Charlton fan so I have been enjoying the best of the banter recently!! My father-in-law works for me and he was once a die hard Cherries supporter back in the John Bond era, but nowadays he goes through the agony and ecstasy of listening to them play on the radio.

CC: Have you supported the club for long and have you a favourite player from past years?
BHG: My Father took me to my first Cherries game on 25th November 1978, a first round FA Cup tie with Hitchin Town resulting in a 2-1 win. I have been hooked ever since and have witnessed every season from that day. My father still attends with me along now with my 17-year-old daughter who has been watching the Cherries since 2008.

Up until now, Ian Bishop was my all time favourite cherry but after last season there are several players close to making me change my mind and I am sure next season will produce a player worthy of bettering Ian Bishop in my opinion.

CC: In what month last season did you feel that it could be a promotion season for the Cherries and was there a game for you that really made you confident that they could do it?

BHG: We started the season very well and played some great football so I was quietly confident we could do well, but the result away to Birmingham made me think we were maybe witnessing something special. I was right!!
Martin With Rob Mitchell in front of the Family stand at Dean Court
which Broomhill Garden Buildings sponsors. 
CC: Is a Premier League season likely to be much better than the Championship for your business or is it hard to estimate?

BHG: That's very hard to evaluate but one thing is for sure - The Cherries are going to get the most exposure they have ever had worldwide! Everybody seems to be talking about the Cherries at the moment and I am so pleased to be the official sponsor of The Family Stand and being associated with the club at this very exciting time.

CC: Have any of the AFC Bournemouth players made a trip to your showroom yet and if fans also come to the store what can they expect to see - is there good reason to come down this summer?

BHG: I have personally not seen any current Cherries players in our showroom but if they do come and see for themselves our wide range of garden buildings, they and all Cherries supporters will realise we are Premier League!

CC: What fixture of next season is Broomhill Garden Building looking forward to most?

BHG: Personally for the past 37 years I always wanted to watch The Cherries play at Anfield so that's one game I can't wait for. A visit to The Emirates is also eagerly anticipated along with the short trip to St Mary's.

CC: And what we really want to know - have you got the perfect AFC Bournemouth football supporters' shed yet and when can we order one?

BHG: I am not sure what the perfect garden building would be for Cherries' supporters but we can make buildings to order, so if any of your followers want a red and black striped shed then give me a call !!

You can visit Broomhill Gardens showroom at the following address - put it in your Sat Nav. Please also make sure you tell Martin that you regularly read Cherry Chimes when you pop in to order that striped red and black garden shed.

Stewarts Garden Lands
Lyndhurst Road
BH23 4SA
Tel: 0425 274000

Hopefully, we will catch up with Martin again during the new season.

If your company is also local in the Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole and New Forest area why not consider maximising your online marketing potential by sponsoring Cherry Chimes?

The Premier League will bring plenty of interest to the town and Cherry Chimes is already seeing a big jump in readership. To get your business seen contact - Peter Bell -
Email: bellp2103@gmail.com

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