
Saturday 11 July 2015

Everything suddenly feels real for AFCB fans

The news factory keeps spilling out information from AFCB HQ. If it's not player signings then it's pre-season friendlies, foreign tours and fans forums. Yet, it's not the itinerary that has me all excited as we know that it is a big season ahead and that Premier League football is coming to Dean Court. What puts me and I expect many others back in the mood for football is just hearing the players give their views and opinions again and in recent days it's been good to hear some familiar voices.

It shouldn't be long before the players will be back warming up at Dean Court.
As the Philadelphia training camp gets underway I expect to hear quite a few more reports about the facilities and the views of players on the training that they are doing. Some like Harry Arter are already perhaps starting to recall how much hard work it will be while the new faces in the squad are about to be inducted. 

I was pleased to hear that Baily Cargill is now enjoying his work more and feels more like being part of the first team. I believe the spell away with England U20s will have given him the encouragement to try and push himself further with other England U20 players already having starting places for their club teams.

Feeling part of the team is what mates for the moment. The lads have to be able to rely on each other and know that they are all looking to do better then ever for the club and the town as they have such a great opportunity ahead of them. While FA Cup finals are often said to pass players by, the moments on tour give lasting memories and create the tone for the start of the season. So when people tell you these friendlies don't matter, don't believe them as the players are living and training with each other in a close camp that really will not be like the normal routine. Some may feel in their comfort zone but others won't. For us fans though the beauty is we get to hear or see some football commentary and also some interviews from players already at AFCB, rather than just the gossip of who AFCB might just possibly looking to sign.

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