
Saturday 18 July 2015

Shirt delay for AFCB fans

We all want to buy the new AFCB shirts before the first game of the season but this summer that particular need is really coming under threat as the delay in delivery could mean that kit is not released until just three days before the first match at best. At least the players will have some new shirts. As for the thousands of fans that want to wear the new shirts there looks like it could be problematic 

Perhaps next season we'll be able to order online in advance as well.
Rumours are that the change in shirt sponsor has meant that the design of the shirts has taken longer to confirm than usual. Orders for new shirts typically are made many months before the summer and it must be extremely hard to predict how popular they will be when your side is in the Championship and could have a good or a bad season, and in AFCB's case a truly sensational season that saw them promoted as champions.

While the purchase of a new shirt is always a great moment for many fans and a way of feeling closer to their club, we'll cheer the Cherries on just as enthusiastically with our older shirts. The club has had an organising nightmare with so many things to do over the summer that it is not surprising that not everything has run as smoothly as they might like. The real hotbed of contention is the ticketing system for away games that may still be a cause of annoyance for some as the season gets underway. All I know is that the same people at the club are trying to do their best for fans and it would be good to give them a bit of support now and again as they are always committed to trying to deliver whatever the fans desire.

I might not have the new shirt on my back when Aston Villa come to Dean Court in August, but my voice will still sing AFCB! Cherry Chimes will have Gareth Davies (@Garphied) give his opinions on the three new kits when they do become available, but what are your views on this matter?

PremierTalk asks whether AFC Bournemouth's first league opponents are in turmoil as Fabian Delph decides that his home really is in Manchester after all - you couldn't make it up!

Meanwhile, talking of hard workers at the club Rob Mitchell is back from his cycling exploits and talks strictly business on All Departments' podcast. The broadcast is on All Departments' website, acast and the right side panel of Cherry Chimes website. 

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