
Thursday 6 August 2015

Cherry Chimes' second summer signing is Natterjacks

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It is with great pleasure that I can now inform readers of Cherry Chimes that we have another new sponsor that will have an advert on the blog for the next year in support of AFC Bournemouth. You may have all ready seen that we have a natty animal character advert on the blog.  Natterjacks is a veterinary surgery in Bournemouth that not only loves the Cherries but also adores and cares for family pets and would like you to bring your animals into them whenever they are not feeling to well and need some help. 

So that we can get an idea of just how much Natterjacks Vets are big fans of AFC Bournemouth I thought we had better ask top vet Andy Matthew a few questions about why red and black is the team for him and most of the Natterjacks staff.

Andy Matthew outside the Natterjacks vet's surgery
in Bournemouth. Andy is a keen AFCB fan of some 30 years.
CC: How long have you been an AFC Bournemouth fan and can you remember going to your first game?

NJ: I have been a fan since I can first remember and the first game I can recall was a home game against Swansea City in March 1986 - we won 4-0. I can't remember who scored but I remember Colin Clarke being the star of the 1985/86 season and I was very upset at the time when he moved to Southampton. I used to attend 'Boscombe' games with my grandfather and we nearly always stood in what was known then as the New Stand. I still have my old subbuteo set from that season and my favourite kit was the all-red 'Cooper Beers' kits that were sported that season and in the following year when we won promotion to the Second Division.

CC: Who has been your favourite player over the years and who is your favourite in the current team?

NJ: I was very excited by the signing of Luther Blissett following promotion and I remember being taken round the changing rooms by Jim Nolan in 1991 and meeting the whole team and having my photo taken with a near naked Luther! However, Fletcher would have to be my favourite over the years and I was privileged to look after his dog Sadie for a few years when when I worked in Kinson before establishing Natterjacks in 2012. Matt Ritchie would probably be my current favourite though. It is a tough one to call as we have so many great players to choose from at the moment.

CC: What are you looking forward to most next season with the Cherries being in the Premier League now - any games take your fancy?

NJ: My Dad has always followed Southampton and this tie will definitely be one that will divide the family - I have supported Southampton in the Premier League and there has never been any risk of conflict...until now!

I am really looking forward to having my home town being on the biggest global stage of them all - even the tiniest villages in the remotest corners of the world are obsessed with the Premier League and it really will put Bournemouth on the map; no longer will we have to describe where we are in relation to London, Southampton etc. I was bursting with pride when reading the glowing international media reports following our promotion and can't wait for the world to watch us take on the likes of Chelsea and Man Utd.
Natterjacks Vet is sponsoring Cherry Chimes and will be
supporting AFC Bournemouth make their debut Premier League season.

CC: Vets have something in common with footballers in that they see a lot of injuries, but do you still wince when you see a bad tackle?

NJ: I do a lot of surgery on torn cruciate ligaments in dogs and I know that the injury results in permanent impairment to the functioning of the joint so I feel terribly anxious for footballers who suffer cruciate ligament injuries as they very rarely recover fully. Most heavy tackles make me wince to be honest as I have never had the greatest pain threshold and I used to play a lot of football, but spent most of the time on the sidelines with various injuries!

CC: What pet or pets do you own yourself?

NJ: We have two dogs - a naughty Patterdale terrier cross called Millie and a collie named Max who is as daft as brush. I have always had cats as well in the past and we would love to have some again but unfortunately we live on a very busy main road and as I spend a lot of time rebuilding cats that have been playing 'chicken'. I just don't think it would be fair to risk it! Fortunately, work ensures that I still have plenty of feline contact every day to redress the balance.

CC: Do any Natterjack Vets support other teams?

NJ: Well, my colleague Guy is from North London originally and therefore has a small Arsenal affection/affliction but most of our staff have acquired an affiliation for the town and its team. All of our vets have moved to the area having fallen in love with the town and its beautiful surrounds after making regular holiday visits when we were all at university many years ago.

CC: Why is Natterjacks the best vets in Bournemouth?

NJ: I guess it is because we are an independent, local family-run practice with a genuine, deep-rooted affection for the town and its pets. We are have a really enthusiastic team and love our jobs and feel privileged to be able to look after so many fabulous animals. We are a group of friends who have been good mates for years and there is a genuine camaraderie amongst the whole team that results in a a really positive, happy atmosphere at work. Many vets in the area are now run by soulless corporate companies and are more concerned with profit margins than a passion for the work itself. We are proud to work with a number of local charities and are committed to providing exceptional value alongside the highest standards of care and best facilities available anywhere. These attributes have helped us to become the area's highest rated practice in a relatively short period of time and we continually strive to find ways of ensuring that we just get better and better.

CC: What is the Natterjack Nursery?

NJ: The Natterjacks Nursery is a gallery of the newest and tiniest additions to the Natterjacks family which we update every month or so and which has become very popular with our online followers. When giving talks at local schools I asked what the children would most like to see on our website and Facebook page and much as we like showcasing some of our more challenging medical and surgical success stories the pupils made it very clear that all they wanted to see was cute puppies and kittens...and so the Nursery was born! We adults like it just as much to be honest and both the owners and the practice take great pride in showing off our new babies :-)

CC: Have you heard of any pets yet that have been named after an AFC Bournemouth players?

NJ: Yes - needless to say we have dozens of Fletchers! We also have a couple of Hayters, at least one Arter and even a young pointer named Artur (Boruc) owned by a Polish couple! I also recently vaccinated two kittens named Ritchie and Wilson!

CC: Fantastic, I wonder if some of our readers out there have an Eddie Howe hamster or a Motsyn floppy-eared rabbit out there? I'm not sure who you'd name a snake after? Anyway, whatever pet you have you are invited to take them down to Natterjacks where you'll probably be able to spend as much time talking about the Cherries as you will about your pets.

You can click on the Natterjack Vet advert now which will take you through to the website where you can read up on the latest happenings in the vet world.

To visit the surgery you'll need to go to:
The Old Bank Building
1138-1140 Christchurch Road 
Boscombe East

Tel: 01202 427404
They also have a Facebook page

If you also want to advertise on Cherry Chimes simply drop me a line email: bellp2103@gmail.com

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