
Wednesday 19 August 2015

Will it take much more time for AFCB to get wins?

Tony Pulis was Mr unpopular at the fans Forum when he said the Cherries will lose games. His WBA have suffered the same fate in their first game and it's not nice as a supporter to have your team get off to a slow start. The important point made though is how the team reacts to defeat. AFCB have two really difficult away games and they could arrive back at Dean Court still without registering a win after playing West Ham, but they can't afford to think that way and must be positive and try and put into practise the methods that severed them so well last season. It may be that Swansea took eight games before getting their first win when they were first promoted, but the Cherries need to try and get something on the board before they lose too much momentum.

You can't legislate for poor decisions by the officials though. Eddie Howe was worried about going to big grounds and not getting deserved decisions, and it hasn't taken long for the Cherries to be on the wrong end of a bad decision or two. Tommy Elphick will be doubly gutted that his goal against Liverpool didn't stand as the Cherries' first goal of the season and Eddie Howe won't want to see any more goals against his team when players are clearly offside.

Far from picking out three games a time or the home matches that are vital to win, it is probably best as supporters that we just watch our team play against the team in front of them and not get too hung up about what is happening in the league in this early stage. Staying in contention is what the team will be aiming to do. Hey, we're only a point behind the Champions Chelsea after all! It is asking probably too much for it to be aiming to be up in the top half and keeping pace with teams that have come up and are the perceived weaker teams is what will satisfy most fans. That will feel easier when the team gets its first point and feels that it has lift off.
Eddie will keep spirits high.
That could come at any time and it is crucial that going to these away games when the Cherries are not favourites to win that they look to do positive things. We may find that the Aston Villa result was not so poor if they continue on their good run and the days when AFCB do get wins over teams in this league is going to give not only the players massive encouragement but will do wonders for everyone at the club. Sticking together is all everyone needs to do at this moment. It will be easy to get stuck on thinking about the negatives, but the pundits have their job to do and won't be handing out prizes for poor defending. We'll have to take the criticism as well as the praise, but finding way to turn games around when things aren't going the way that Eddie Howe wants is now his biggest challenge. UTCIAD!

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