
Friday 23 October 2015

AFCB need to play better under constant pressure

Battling against the best teams in this league is not going to get any easier overnight. Man City did not always press high, but their quick play in getting the ball up the field to put pressure on AFCB's defence sprung more than one or two opportunities, and while the Cherries don't pay the long ball game that often it is a weapon that other teams do use, and has started to catch our players out at times.  
Adam Federici has to put mistakes behind him now
and a clean sheet against Spurs would do that.
The best teams don't switch off for a second and the Cherries are still trying to get to that level. The fourth Man City goal last week was the game that finished off the game and it was not only damaging for the timing of the goal, right on half time, but the manner of it as well. A long punt up field from Joe Hart and a bouncing ball that caused panic between Surman and Federici with Navas the beneficiary. Perhaps the players were thinking it is almost half time and half expecting the whistle to go, I'm not sure but the players need to be fully concentrating at every second against these great players, because they seize on the slightest moment of hesitation.
There's a big question mark over whether Artur will be back for Sunday's game.
I'm not sure if it is easy to get players concentrating all the time. There are so many little things that distract the mind and the opposing players at this level are masters of trickery. Against Tottenham and Liverpool in the coming weeks they will not be given a moment's rest bite. Under Jurgen Klopp, Liverpool have already shown that they are playing a more high pressing game to force errors and Spurs will be no different with Harry Kane leading the line. But I'm confident that whoever plays in goal, be it Boruc or Federici, they will be highly motivated to put in a great performance and that is all we can ask for.

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