
Wednesday 21 October 2015

Gosling is showing his experience

Eddie Howe gave a special mention to Dan Gosling's performance at the end of the Man City match. It may not have resonated that much with fans at the time, but it was a hugely important comment. It's not just the goalscorers that deserve praise, Gosling has put in some great performances for a few games now. His bursts into the box are causing problems for teams and that's just what the Cherries need to do more of. Dan clearly likes to get forward and we are perhaps just starting to see what he really has to offer. His Premier League experience is becoming evident and he is looking confident and more of a leader than we might have seen last season. Game time is what he needed and with the absence of Harry Arter he has ignited his performances.

Dan may have pushed himself not only ahead of Arter
 but also in front of Suman on recent performances.
I felt at Man City that some of their players looked very strong in the tackle and were hard to shake off the ball and it's a quality that I'd like to see AFCB's players show more often. Dan is one of those who does keep the ball close to him, and can go past players. We want more of that from him. It is always great to see when AFCB players decide to make a determined run as most of the play is based on patterns of passing and so to see a player suddenly just go direct is unexpected.

Will Gosling keep his place ahead of Arter? I believe that is the question that Howe was not keen to answer just yet as he was clear that Harry would only return when he could be a benefit to the team and do justice to himself with his performances. That said to me that we might see him have a steady comeback, that would see him return for the Capital One Cup match against Liverpool, rather than the home match against Spurs at the weekend. With Dan playing so well there is no need to hurry Arter back.

See my Shoot article that is out today for more of my thoughts on Harry Arter.

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